The sugar mentioned in this article is simple table sugar, which is used to sweeten some foods and does not belong to any basic food group. If we talk about sugar in a structural sense, we can say that every food that contains glucose, fructose or galactose at the molecular level is sugary. For example, there is sugar in milk, honey, chickpeas and all fruits. So technically we cannot completely eliminate sugar from our diet. Especially since we have glucose as fuel in our blood, it would be unhealthy to try to remove it completely. We must consume a certain level of carbohydrates every day. This is why diets that exclude carbohydrates completely are extremely unhealthy.
When it comes to processed foods with high sugar content (honey, jam, molasses, herbal syrups, milk or dough desserts, sugary sodas, fruit juices, cakes, cookies, pastries, chocolate, etc.) of course, it would be beneficial for us to avoid them. Using molasses, honey or syrups of some plants instead of sugar does not reduce the calories and sugar content of that food, it only changes its nutritional value and taste. In fact, some wrong practices can make that food even more harmful. For example, it is unsafe to use molasses instead of sugar in cakes or cookies.
Sugar is a substance that spoils the oral receptors and makes them addicted. Because as you consume sugary foods frequently and intensively, your taste perception changes. So, if you eat sugary foods frequently, you will trigger your urge to eat sugar even more. Moreover, after a while, you will start to find foods without added sugar or fresh fruits less sweet.
If you want to reduce or eliminate your consumption of sweets and sugar, be sure to replace them with fruits containing natural sugar (dried fruits, fresh fruits). It will be useful to include some foods such as fruits, fruit yoghurts, etc.) and milk. You can eat these as a snack. You also need to keep your carbohydrate (bread, grain products, legumes, etc.) consumption sufficient and balanced in main meals. In individuals who do not consume carbohydrates in their main meal, their blood sugar drops more in the following hours and they crave sugary foods. This may result in hypoglycemia attacks. In addition, heavy tea/coffee consumption causes hypoglycemia. It may create a tendency to eat sweets. You can achieve a better balance to balance your blood sugar by reducing your tea and coffee consumption intensity.
By not consuming simple sugar for a while, you can change the perception of your oral receptors and balance your appetite for sugar. However, during this period, you need to make a new and beneficial lifestyle change by using sugar substitutes. If you do not take such precautions, sugar deficiency will end with a worse sweet eating crisis.
Completely removing simple sugar from our lives may be a healthy way of eating. However, eliminating grains, fruits, milk and some root vegetables in order to avoid consuming sugar would not be a correct diet. We need the natural form of sugar in foods for a balanced diet. It is known that low-carbohydrate diets lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, metabolic problems and some organ damage in the long term.
If the aim is to eliminate the addictive sweet taste, then all sweeteners, even natural ones, should be avoided. We must also set a limit. There is no known proven major harm caused by sweetener consumption not exceeding a few tablets per day. However, it is still not healthy to use artificial sweeteners in growing children, babies and pregnant women. For this reason, the consumption of sweetened gum, especially in children, should be controlled and soft drinks containing artificial sweeteners should not be consumed.
Simple sugar has no place in a standard slimming diet. However, minor flexibility can be provided, such as a single-sugar coffee or 1 square of dark chocolate. In healthy individuals, blood sugar levels can be prevented from falling by consuming fruit during snacks. Small sweet treats may be allowed from time to time for the continuity of the diet or motivation.
The diet program for diabetic individuals is very important and should not contain simple sugar. Since the body cannot tolerate sugar, any food that can increase sugar should be consumed in a controlled manner. Sugar needs can be satisfied with fruits. Foods and drinks made with artificial sweeteners can also be used.
Completely. Although sugar-free, grain-free and root fruit-free diets have become very fashionable in recent years, they are nutritional models that are not scientifically correct to apply in the long term. A person can live a healthier and more balanced life with the foods grown in the geography he lives in and included in his culture.
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