My problems are worse than anyone else's...
Everything overlaps...
All problems find me...
Does anyone have the same problems as me?
It is very difficult for someone to understand and help me…
Pity for oneself, as I wrote above, is to constantly focus on the negativities in one's life and to take on the role of a 'chosen victim'. Why do people pity themselves? Is this a choice? In fact, it is a choice. Negative thoughts that suddenly enter your mind may not be in your own control or control; But what you do next is completely under your control. For example, you may choose to get up and do something that is good for you or has done well before. Instead of taking action and moving forward, exaggerating the severity of the situation and not taking any action will only make the situation worse. With self-pity, you may be unable to face or run from your true fears. This may save you time and cause you to postpone your responsibilities. On the other hand, you may be drawing attention to yourself by pitying yourself and saying "I'm in" "Take care of me"...
It's a waste of time...
It leads to more negative emotions and thus negative behavior...
It prevents you from making free choices...
you overlook the good things...
It negatively affects your relationships and ultimately makes the people around you wear out...
When you realize that self-pity has entered your life, make an effort to eliminate it. Making no effort is the worst thing you can do. Start doing what you did in good times, don't give up, be active.
War on your thoughts and try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Ignore negative self-instructions such as "I can't do it" or "I deserve better". Think that every situation can have a good side and try to find it.
Share your experiences with those around you.. whether others have experienced similar situations, or If they do, ask how they are coping. If you have a child, observe him or the other children around you. Because children are very successful in seeing the positive side of events. When you ask a child whose parents are divorced the best part of it, you've probably heard him say, "I'm getting more presents."
Think about what you can say to your relative who is dealing with a similar problem and how you can help. I am sure you will give positive suggestions, not negative ones. Now give the same positive suggestions to yourself. Do it even if you don't believe it, get professional help if necessary. Because, a person who constantly gives negative suggestions to himself becomes as if he has entered into hypnosis and eventually experiences negative emotions and behaves accordingly. Look for evidence that you can get through the current situation. Consider, for example, your achievements so far. That you stood up and struggled over and over again, every time. Trust yourself, never forget that life is a struggle and this struggle will never end.
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