Has it always been hard to be a mother or has it just gotten harder these days? It was perhaps a bit difficult at all times in terms of assuming a new role for a person. However, today there is a lot of writing, content and information on right parenting, right motherhood. Although this situation often seems like an advantage, it also brings many disadvantages.
It is very easy to get the title of “expert” in our country. That's why sentences that start "according to experts" cause confusion for many mothers. Because no expert says what the other says. Therefore, due to so much information being imposed on them, mothers often tend towards two extremes: they either become very anxious or completely indifferent. In the anxious type, thoughts such as "did I do something wrong, have I traumatized my child now, or if I harm him" come to mind. On the other hand, in the reckless type, there is a state of self-defense and closure to knowledge, saying, "Was there an expert in the past, what was psychology, they grow up the way we grew up". However, it is possible to be somewhere between the two, to review old knowledge and experiences and to blend new information with them.
The most important thing to do for this is to improve the ability to make choices. Such as choosing which expert's suggestions to take into account, choosing among the suggestions of that expert, choosing to apply those suggestions and not getting results, and choosing to obtain new information instead. Because there is no one right thing that fits every child and every mother. If it were, our job would be much easier. Each suggested information can be adapted, stretched or dispensed with according to the mother and child.
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