Right brain injury (ROH) is damage to the right part of the brain due to stroke, tumor, infection or Traumatic Brain Injury (traffic accident, work accident, etc.). The right brain plays an important role in human behavior and in regulating the pragmatic dimension of verbal communication.
Right Brain Damage and Communicative Features
Voice during speech Difficulty in adjusting tone and emphasizing appropriate places
Difficulty in finding the appropriate word while speaking
Difficulty in making long sentences and compound sentences
Difficulty in understanding jokes, jokes, idioms, irony
One or more of these components of the language are present in 50% of patients with SBD. More are thought to be affected. These problems experienced by the patient negatively affect not only the person's life, but also the lives of others around him, psychologically and functionally. Patients with SBD experience difficulties in maintaining and improving their interpersonal relationships, which harms their social and professional lives
Right Brain Damage and Cognitive Features
Difficulty organizing and sequencing thoughts
Difficulty understanding and following stories
They experience due to poor problem-solving skills Difficulty in solving communication errors
Difficulty in recalling information, learning new information
Remembering information about time or place,
Difficulty remembering personal information such as date of birth, age and names of family members
Establishing cause-effect relationships, reasoning and problem solving Problems in their skills
They have attention problems in focusing their attention and filtering distracting stimuli, maintaining attention for a long time, and directing attention between two situations or stimuli.
Visual neglect occurs in 80% of patients with Right Brain Damage
Intervention in Right Brain Damage
Right Brain injury interventions are mostly aimed at losses in cognitive skills, especially visual neglect. Communication seen in the right brain Intervention studies on disorders are very few in the relevant literature. In the therapy of communication disorders observed in right brain damage, studies on prosody stand out.
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