Mobbing means psychological violence and harassment, and this type of behavior makes people uneasy. Psychological terror is synonymous with psychological intimidation and also means turning against someone and making an emotional attack. Mobbing is a psychological attack carried out periodically by employees or employers in the workplace and is one of the most important problems of recent years.
German psychologist Heinz Leymann was the first to discuss psychological violence in the workplace in detail. According to Leymann, mobbing is "the systematic act of one or sometimes several people engaging in emotionally damaging behavior towards another, every day or for several months."
Frequency and Continuity
Anyone can be exposed to mobbing. A person does not have to be a special or important person to be subjected to mobbing. However, most of the time, people with distinctive characteristics are exposed to mobbing. Mobbing is a process. The mobbing person can harm the victim's health thanks to his repeated attacks.
In order for bad behavior towards the victim at work to be called psychological terrorism, it must be carried out for at least 6 months and at least once a week, and the average implementation period is generally 15 months; It has been determined that 29-46 months must pass for the permanent and sometimes severe effects of the process to appear.
Power Differences
In the mobbing process, the number of victims and the number of mobbing perpetrators may be one or more. Heinz Leymann states that the number of victims can be one and very rarely more than one, and the number of people who practice mobbing can sometimes be four or even more than four.
1. Identification Stage
This stage begins with an attack on the person's dignity, professional competence, physical appearance or similar characteristics. At this stage, the person tries to define the situation along with his experiences.
2. Conflict Phase
The situation becomes a little more intense as a result of a critical incident, but there is still a real mob. g is not present. This phase is simply a phase of violent conflict.
3. Aggressive Acts Phase
With the aggressive acts phase, psychological terror has begun. These behaviors are divided into active aggression and passive aggression. Active aggression is noticed quickly, clearly targets the victim, and makes its purpose clear to the victim. Therefore, it is easier to deal with active attackers.
However, passive attackers are more difficult to deal with because they sometimes act polite to hide their bad behavior. In passive aggression, the purpose is not clearly stated and the attacker may even try to gain the victim's trust by pretending to help him. As a result of the victim falling into such a situation and realizing it too late, the victim may experience problems in protecting himself. In addition, the fact that the attacker is close to the victim, knows his vulnerabilities and uses them against him puts the victim in an even worse situation.
4. Management Participation Stage
At this stage, since the victim's psychology and working style are disrupted, other personnel can complain to the management about the victim. As a result, the management may become prejudiced and accept unfair complaints made for the victim without talking to the victim.
At this stage, the management may misinterpret the events between the victim and the mobbing perpetrator, seek the blame on the victim, and take action to avoid the problem. Thus, management takes its place in this resulting negative cycle.
5. The Stage of Being Perceived as Difficult and Mentally Ill.
A constant emotional attack is enough to disrupt a person's health and mentality. Thanks to the attacks, the victim becomes unable to reason normally, becomes emotional, and begins to search for meaning even in meaningless things. At this stage, people do not trust anyone.
6. Termination Stage
This stage is the last stage of mobbing. At this stage, the victim could not receive the support he expected from the management and began to experience health problems. The desire to come to work is completely gone, psychological its psychology is distorted. The victim, whose job performance decreases because of the attacker, is either employed in jobs lower than his skills or is dismissed.
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