Disease That Restricts Hearing: Otosclerosis (Middle Ear Calcification)

The disease caused by abnormal bone formation in the middle and inner ear is called otosclerosis, also known as middle ear calcification. With the formation of the new bone structure, sound is prevented from reaching the inner ear, which is the main hearing organ. As a result of this situation, hearing loss occurs. Otosclerosis comes from the Greek words oto (ear) and sclero (hard).

How Does Otosclerosis Occur?

Although the exact cause of otosclerosis is not known, hereditary, that is, genetic elements play an important role in the formation of the disease. is said to play a role. It is also stated that the measles virus causes otosclerosis. This disease is more common in middle-aged women than in men and children. Otosclerosis may also occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and the effects of some viruses.

What are the Symptoms of Otosclerosis?

One of the most important symptoms of this disease is hearing loss. Hearing loss may occur in one ear or in both ears.

Other symptoms of the disease include;


-Balance problems,


-Slowly progressive hearing loss affecting one ear or one ear,


-Motor perception problems,

-Hearing loss increases during pregnancy

Otosclerosis Treatment

In cases of otosclerosis detected at an early age, a treatment method is first applied to slow down the progression of the disease. There is no medical treatment for this disease. Vitamin supplements such as vitamin D, calcium and fluoride are also given during the treatment to prevent hearing loss.

One of the frequently used methods in the treatment of otosclerosis is stapedectomy (middle ear calcification surgery). In this surgery, the stirrup bone, which has limited movement, is removed and replaced with a prosthesis to transmit sound waves to the inner ear.

After the surgery, conditions such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting may occur. However, these situations are temporary. After surgery, patients should avoid traveling by plane or car, diving, and carrying heavy loads until their dizziness disappears completely.

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