How can I get rid of my “phobias and fears”?

In fact, we are all afraid of something, most of these fears are genetic inheritance, that is, someone who has never seen a snake, spider or mouse in his life can be intensely afraid even at the first encounter, or we can be afraid of a situation or an animal that we identify with a trauma in childhood for a lifetime. Or we may develop fears through learning (I model my mother's fear). Or what we cannot face within ourselves, subconsciously; We can project our “free side, dirty side, angry, immoral side” or similar features onto other objects and keep ourselves very clean and moral. For example, we can identify anger with the cat, freedom with the butterfly. So, if I discover my free side, I will realize the "prison" I am in now and I can go away from my loved ones and it is best that I am afraid of the butterfly and do not go too far from home. There are hundreds of phobia types such as insect, mouse, cat, dog, social phobia, height phobia.

So when should a fear be treated? We treat phobias or fears if they have an important place in our lives and if they disrupt our work, social life and relationships.

How is Phobia Treatment done?: In the first step of treatment, we understand what the fear or phobia means for the person and what it represents, subconsciously. We carry out awareness-raising activities such as what fear it protects against. As a person gets to know the unknown parts of himself that he fears, he no longer needs phobias. For example, controlled changes are recommended so that he can experience his free side a little more.

In addition to awareness training, rapid improvements can be experienced even in 1-2 sessions with behavioral treatment methods such as overcoming fear, confronting fear, enduring it, etc. With these methods, over-conditioned areas in the brain that have lowered arousal thresholds are relieved, and calmer, unconditioned responses begin to be given. Sometimes we do applied work with our clients and we get the best results by adding applied methods to the treatment. For example, for tunnel fear, we get in a car and go through a tunnel, or for cat fear, we can work in a park with lots of cats.

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