What are the general psychological characteristics of a 1-year-old child?
1 year old is the transition period from infancy to childhood. Understanding, comprehension and communication skills begin to improve. Movement ability increases. The first words and first steps are seen around the age of 1. A 1-year-old child tries to imitate the sounds he hears and makes various sounds of his own. He understands more than he says. He is meaningfully interested in the objects around him and plays different games with adults. He enjoys being with people and listening to what they say. He tries to imitate many behaviors. He takes his parents and his caregivers as models and tries to do what they do. Holds objects using thumb and index fingers. He likes to put objects inside each other.
* What kind of physiological and psychological changes occur with the transition to the 1st year of age?
1 The older child crawls faster. Some children start walking with their first birthday, while some children's first steps can be seen around 15-16 months. The rapid increase in height and weight before the age of 1 begins to slow down.
With the age of 1, the child begins to slowly progress towards becoming an individual. As his mobility skills increase, he attempts to do many things on his own. He acts negatively from time to time. Resists sleeping and eating. His dependence on his mother increases. It shows emotions such as anger, joy, fear.
* Why can't the child fit into his container and is constantly active in this period?
In this period A 1-year-old child, who gains freedom of movement with crawling and walking, begins to explore his surroundings with a sense of curiosity. For this reason, it is constantly in motion. He learns new things every day. He constantly wants to explore new places, empty the cabinets, go through the drawers, crumple and tear the papers he finds, and play with household items.
* How does a 1-year-old child who cannot sit still make discoveries in this way? ?
Environments should be created and opportunities should be given for the 1-year-old child to explore and learn. � In this way, the child recognizes objects, learns what they are for, where and to whom they belong.
* What attitude should parents have towards this situation of a child who is constantly in motion?
A 1-year-old child is not aware of the danger, and behaves in ways that may endanger him/herself. Therefore, it is necessary to set rules as soon as the child starts to crawl. The most common method used by parents against a child who pokes around with a sense of curiosity and discovery is to say "don't do it" or even get angry. Instead, it is necessary to take various security measures such as saying that the behavior is not liked, hanging locks on the cabinet doors, and removing items that may endanger the child's life out of reach. At this age, the child cannot fully understand that rules are rules. For this reason, appropriate approaches are to reinforce desired behaviors by saying "well done" and applauding, and to extinguish undesirable behaviors by saying "no" and sometimes ignoring them. The most important advantage of this age is that the child's attention can be easily directed to the desired direction. In other words, when the child turns to an object that is inappropriate or could harm him, his attention may be drawn to another object or activity.
Allow the child to touch objects under your control in order to support his sense of curiosity and discovery.
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Designate certain cabinets and drawers for the child and place household items and toys that will not harm them. When he wants to rummage around in cabinets or drawers, tell him that he can only open the space you have allocated for him.
Offer materials that he can explore, open and poke around inside, and that will not cause harm.
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