Anxiety disorder; It is a problem with many subdiagnoses such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety and specific phobia. Each diagnosis has its own diagnostic criteria. It needs to be carefully examined and recognized by a mental health professional. It is extremely likely that we have loved ones around us who suffer from anxiety disorders. Therefore, it would be beneficial for us to have more information. because the support of their relatives and loved ones is extremely important for every individual.
''Are you worried about this? What's wrong with this?''
The situation that seems unreasonable to you may be extremely realistic for him and may cause anxiety to arise at any time. For this reason, the judgmental approach may make him feel bad.
''Are you panicking again? Calm down now. You're exaggerating.''
It may be difficult for us to understand the realistic emotions our loved ones experience during times of anxiety. However, we must approach the situation empathetically and try to understand the difficulty he is experiencing.
''You canceled our plans again. You don't want to spend time with me.''
They may not socialize or postpone plans at the last minute to avoid moments of anxiety. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love you or doesn't want to spend time with you. They may be showing avoidance behavior simply because it is difficult to cope with the challenging emotions they experience.
''You get angry immediately. You are very nervous, relax.''
Anxiety may not always manifest itself in the form of an attack. Sometimes it occurs with anger and irritability. Do not take these situations personally because these are emotions that occur due to anxiety.
''You have just become quiet. You think too much. You're getting bored.''
Anxiety disorder can cause you to think too much about a subject. Therefore, it is normal for the individual to remain silent and think. Not every moment of silence means they are bad.
Anxiety disorder is not a deficiency, a mistake, or an unsolvable situation. It can be an extremely comfortable treatment process with the support of your loved ones and expert help. Do not despair and despair, and do not hesitate to ask for help.
''Sometimes you may feel tense and bad, even if you don't know why. I won't force you to do anything you don't want, and I will be there for you for everything you want. You are very valuable to me with everything you are, just as you are, and I am with you in every situation.''
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