Although attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is thought to be caused by factors such as genetic factors, birth, and various substances in its current etiology, it is important for parents to be aware of important issues such as the severity of the symptoms of the disorder, its co-occurrence with other psychiatric problems, and how well the child can cope with ADHD. Its effect is high.
Parental attitudes do not cause disorders. It is not right for parents to think that this situation in their children is due to them, by blaming themselves or by making false statements coming from the environment. It is a very difficult and exhausting diagnosis, and children may become angry, punish, and experience outbursts of anger. This causes parents to blame both themselves and their children. Regrets arise.
Since ADHD is a genetic disorder, and when it is seen in children, it is thought that it may also occur in parents, it is recommended that parents check themselves. The possibility that not all intolerance stems from the child's behavior should be considered. In attention deficit and hyperactivity, the problem is not only hyperactivity or attention problems, but also problems in emotional control. Therefore, it is important for parents to focus on themselves while dealing with the child's problem.
Medication alone is never sufficient in the treatment of ADHD. Children are not able to cope on their own due to their age. They don't have any insight into what's going on with them anyway. Therefore, it is vital to inform the family about the disorder, to undergo psychoeducation on important topics such as coping mechanisms, behavioral approach techniques, reward-punishment, sleep, nutrition, structure creation, parental attitudes, and respect for the child's individuality.
It is vital for parents to be stable. It is important that they take care of their children with a trusting, non-turbulent approach. While the child is already having difficulties both within himself and most likely in his academic life and in his relationships with other people, he should not have question marks and insecurities about his family in his mind. Anxiety is one of the factors that especially affects attention span and concentration.
Parents are aware of secondary problems, namely oppositionality, depression, anxiety, which often accompany ADHD. One should also pay attention to diagnoses such as anxiety and social phobia. If he/she does not know about these disorders/diseases, he/she should do his/her research. If he is in doubt, he should seek self-help; if he thinks it will not be sufficient, he should seek expert support. It should not be forgotten that attention deficit and hyperactivity are not limited to childhood and adolescence, they affect the whole life.
Parents who want to receive counseling for attention deficit and hyperactivity should also pay attention to the knowledge and experience of the specialist and thoroughly research the specialist's work and competence. This disorder, which requires a detailed and labor-intensive diagnosis and treatment process, can be tolerated very easily, and one can also be subjected to torture that makes life miserable.
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