As we leave the summer months and return from sunny holidays, a common problem for many people is sun-related spots. During the summer months, we are exposed to direct sunlight. If you do not use a sunscreen with at least a factor of 30 and you are genetically predisposed, sun-related spots may appear on your skin, especially after the age of 30. Such brown formations seen on the face are called "Melasma (sunspot)". It is more common in women than in men, and its incidence increases with age.
Sunspot is a very common problem. The mechanism of formation of the spot is that the cells in the stained area produce more melanin pigment (color-giving substance) than the unstained area. The most important indicator of whether a good response will be obtained from the treatment of the stain is the depth of the stain.
There are many methods for treating sunspots. These are laser and plasma treatments, spot lightening creams, chemical peeling, spot mesotherapy and PRP.
In spot mesotherapy, glutathione, vitamin C, pyruvic acid, salmon DNA, arbutin and biomimetic peptides are administered under the skin. These antioxidants suppress the excessive production of melanin, which causes spots on the skin, and prevent the transfer of formed melanin to keratonicides. This helps lighten the color of existing stains and prevent the formation of new stains. The aim is to create a homogeneous uniform color on the skin.
Blemish mesotherapy also brightens the skin, balances the color tone and increases skin quality. The best time for this process is when the sun is no longer effective. The end of summer, that is, after October, is the most suitable period for mesotherapy. Mesotherapy should only be performed by medical doctors.
Apart from mesotherapy, PRP and plasma procedures are also used in spot treatment.
PRP is a method applied by taking the person's own blood. The blood taken is rotated in the device at high speed, and the red blood cells remaining at the bottom are thrown away. The remaining, nutritious platelet is taken and given to the stained part, and the stain is expected to lighten with the growth factors contained in PRP.
The other method is to eliminate superficial stains by applying the evaporation method with plasma energy. With this plasma energy, dark colored moles appear on the upper layer. The area rich in anocytes is evaporated and color balance is achieved on the skin.
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