If the unsuccessful treatment is the first attempt, it will be unnecessary to worry too much. However, if other attempts also fail, various and different tests need to be performed. For these couples, every word spoken and every different treatment to be performed is a new hope. However, treatments that are considered experimental and whose medical effectiveness has not been proven are explained to the couples as miracle treatments and their hopes are dashed, leaving the families in an even more pessimistic situation.
Repeated failures. After in vitro fertilization attempts, couples should be re-evaluated with further tests and treatments. One of these steps is to evaluate the inside of the uterus with Hysteroscopy (optical camera) after the in vitro fertilization treatment trial, which failed to implant despite the transfer of high-quality embryos and resulted negative. During this evaluation, polyps, myoma adhesions and deformities seen on the uterine wall (endometrium) should be treated simultaneously. Pathological and immunohistochemical examinations can be performed by biopsying the endometrium tissue where implantation will take place. The main purpose of in vitro fertilization is to ensure success. For this reason, it is necessary to treat any pathologies that may exist in people before starting treatments.
In in vitro fertilization treatments, ovulation induction (egg development) protocols are used to try to develop eggs. Sometimes, even if high doses of medication are used, egg development remains inadequate. In such patients, eggs can be developed without using medication or using very low doses of medication, using only their own body hormones. With this method, called natural cycle, drug costs are reduced and healthier eggs are obtained in selected patients.
Genetic or acquired immunological (defense mechanisms) disorders in the woman are factors that can prevent the developing embryo from attaching and growing, even if it is of high quality. For this reason, it is necessary to perform immunological tests in recurrent in vitro fertilization treatment failures.
In recurrent in vitro fertilization failures, prospective mothers and fathers should be examined for chromosomal abnormalities. Although some individuals are completely healthy, chromosomal problems may be encountered.
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