Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP); It means serum rich in “platelets” found in the blood
. Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Op. says that usually the person's own blood is taken intravenously. Dr. Ahmet ÖZKAMALI, “After the blood is turned in high speed motorized devices (centrifuge)
for 10-15 minutes, the shaped elements and serum (plasma) of the blood are separated into 3 separate
layers. There are erythrocytes (red blood cells) at the bottom, platelets (cells that enable clotting) in the middle, and serum (plasma) at the top. Under sterile conditions, the platelets are drawn into a syringe, mixed with some serum (plasma) and applied to the area to be treated, also under sterile conditions. He used the expressions.
Op. Dr. Ahmet ÖZKAMALI, “The repair process of muscles, tendons and similar tissues that are injured, damaged or have problems; It ensures the migration of cells resulting from the breakdown of platelets in the clotted blood in the region to the injury site.
Inflammation; It can be understood as swelling caused by impact, hitting or injury. This inflammation initiates the healing
process. The purpose of PRP injections is to inject this platelet-rich material into the diseased area and ensure healing in the area.” he said.
PRP; Disorders such as shoulder rotator cuff injuries and problems, tennis-golfer's elbow, Achilles
tendinitis, quadriceps and patellar tendinitis, adductor tendinitis, heel spur, biceps
injuries, Meniscus problems, knee calcification, cartilage lesion
can be expected. .

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