Social anxiety, which is often confused with lack of self-confidence in the media and among the public, is one of the common types of anxiety disorder that can be experienced and treated at various levels. Deep, persistent, repetitive, and unrealistic patterns of thought and behavior that are watched, judged, evaluated, not perfect or not enough.
It is experienced by most people in a healthy amount in certain situations. For example, it is expected that a person who has never spoken, sang, or participated in the competition before, overestimates himself after the performance, thinks that he is lacking in some points, distorts his thoughts with the community and attaches great importance to them, or has never asked for a raise from his boss before. It is normal for an employee to make anxious assumptions about the process and results of the initiative the first time around.
On the other hand, people with clinically significant social anxiety may use their behaviors and communications in the community to be overly self-directed, distorted, and selective in order to relieve their anxiety. They judge themselves irrationally, biased, perfectionist, and ultimately cruel to themselves. Subsequent experiences are reinforced negatively in this way, resulting in avoidance behaviors from further experiences. These ongoing behaviors determine thoughts, feelings and feelings and become a habit and become chronic. They may show behaviors such as speaking in a low voice, shaking their head frequently. Behaviors such as meeting new people, meeting, working, making offers, making initiatives, putting forward ideas, saying no, which are essential for sustaining life, are maintained with difficulty or completely avoided due to hypersensitivity and intolerance to being judged, misunderstood and rejected. In some people, although they can engage in social behavior, the situation includes They feel excessive anxiety and fear at work and can hardly continue the situation. and behavioral rules, attachment style with their parents, and genetic factors are still the subject of research. It is cognitive behavioral therapy, which has the most scientific data about the method that is frequently used.
During the sessions, the client gains the ability to work on different social skills by realistically examining the existing thought, behavior, and reaction patterns through experimentation and evidence collection. Another therapy method is "Exposure" therapy, which is part of CBT. Exposure aims to challenge the fears that cause anxiety and develop tolerance by exposing the client to the triggers of their anxiety and to the ongoing situations with escape behaviors, from easy to difficult, systematically and safely.
Finally, across the world It should be noted that millions of people suffer from varying degrees of social anxiety and it is a highly treatable condition.
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