Attention before starting 1st grade!

Every parent can't help but search for the best teachers, schools and resources for their child. Because he wants what is best for his child. However, there is a very important threshold that prevents these. That is SCHOOL MATURITY It is obvious what difficulties children who start school before they are mature enough experience in the following years. This is an issue that I struggle with intensely professionally. I ask you to be helpful, first for your own child and then for the people around you! Information should be obtained about the level of maturity and support should be received if necessary.

The problems experienced with 66-month-old children starting the first grade in the 2012-2013 academic year remind us how careful we need to be on this issue today. Personally, I recommend that children reach the age of 72 months, and I even see that having them around 75-80 months makes very positive contributions. It is possible for a 67-month-old child and an 82-month-old child to be present in a classroom at the same time. Although there is no single truth for every child, each child is evaluated within their own developmental processes.

For children who have not reached sufficient mental maturity and have poor flexibility, the perspective that "1st grade is easy will handle it anyway" is misleading. Although it is attributed as simple, it is seen that children in the 3rd and 4th grades experience blockages and the need to take private lessons.

The fact that children have memorization skills in schools where Quran education is given can also be among the misleading factors. Of course, it is very important to be able to memorize the Quran aurally, but not being able to learn the letters of the Quran or not being able to combine them despite receiving Quran education for several years is a point that should be taken into consideration. I cannot say this based on scientific data, but I can see that children who have difficulty doing this in preschool education also have difficulty learning Latin letters. Children may have different learning mechanisms, the important thing is to be aware of this situation and to use education-training techniques appropriate to the child without rushing.

It is very important to shape the process after making sure that your child has reached sufficient maturity.

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