Irregularities in the secretion of thyroid hormones, which ensure the functioning of metabolism and are necessary for many vital functions, are a commonly observed serious health problem that affects the weight loss process. Hyperthyroidism, which develops as a result of excessive secretion of thyroid hormone, causes the metabolism to work too fast. Secretion less than normal causes the metabolic rate to slow down and the development of a disease called hypothyroidism, which causes constipation, hair loss and weight gain. In thyroid disorders diagnosed with TSH, T3 and T4 hormones measured in the blood, in addition to the drug treatment applied by the physician, the nutritional habits of the patients may also affect the hormone levels. Those with thyroid disease should pay attention to their nutrition.
- A diet rich in fiber should be taken and sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals should be taken. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed fresh and in season.
- Due to the regulating effect of omega-3 fatty acids on thyroid functions, care should be taken to consume fish at least twice a week.
- Whole grains and legumes should be used. Legumes, known as a source of vegetable protein, should be consumed at least twice a week.
- Iodine is a mineral necessary for thyroid functions, but taking too much can cause thyroid disorders. It is recommended for those with hypothyroidism to consume iodized salt, and for those with hyperthyroidism or nodular goiter, it is recommended to consume non-iodized salt.
- A diet rich in vitamin E is recommended because it increases the absorption of iodine.
- Zinc-rich hard-shelled fruits, seafood, red beans. Meat, liver, milk and yoghurt should be included in the diet.
- Selenium plays an important role in TSH, T3 and T4 hormone levels. Foods rich in selenium (fish, red meat, turkey, lentils, walnuts, sesame) should be included.
- White cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, brussels sprouts, peanuts, which slow down the functioning of thyroid hormones. Foods such as chocolate should be limited.
- Since edema is a common problem in those with thyroid disease, care should be taken to consume 2-2.5 liters of water per day.
- Those with hyperthyroidism should consume milk, cheese, purple lah. They should reduce their consumption of motherwort, radishes and nuts, and avoid consuming tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes.
- Regular physical activity is important for accelerating metabolism and increasing muscle mass. Exercise or walking should be done regularly every day.
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