Exhibitionist Narcissistic Disorder:
The parent's grandiose expectations are projected onto the child. What the parent cannot be, his child must be instead. Therefore, the child feels adored, appreciated and loved only when his expectations are met. The child is a wonderful child, a smart girl for the parent (She must have come with certain labels). These people come thumping and where he is, everyone looks at him. They have thoughts such as "I'm already doing it, you have to approve it so I can do it."
Covered Narcissistic Disorder:
The child's expression of grandiosity is humiliated or the child is expected to idealize the parent. . It's like, "We're great parents." He is in the position of a child who says yes and obeys. Covert narcissists have an even more fragile structure. They are dependent on the approval of others. He idealizes the object and protects his own grandiose ideas and feels special. They are also very compatible in therapy. Many of those who cannot say no may be covert narcissists. They seem like an addicted personality. Narcissists are disappointed when they find someone who disapproves of them. They are overly critical of themselves and harsh on themselves. They experience lots of ups and downs. They are not satisfied with themselves. They think, “There must be a perfect, ideal way to do this and I can't do it.” He thinks he deserves approval more than the grandiose.
Devaluing Narcissistic Disorder:
These are the people who have the hardest time getting along. The child's expressions of idealization and grandiosity were met with aggression. He is a child who is criticized and devalued. They are always looking for a place to attack. He has no tolerance for being nice. They are full of violence. Parents have integrated their own worthlessness into the child. When these people become leaders, they become a destructive force. There is no affect regulation. (They live in a negative, aggressive unit. They are in the sympathetic system)
The relationships of people with narcissistic personality disorder are also problematic. It is exploitative and manipulative. Since childhood, he learns the needs of others and uses them to exploit them by giving them back what he wants. Need for some women He immediately grasps their hunger and begins to exploit them. People who are with these people use expressions such as I feel like garbage. The sexual lives of these people are also problematic. He constantly experiences performance anxiety and faces problems such as premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation or inability to achieve erection. They see sexual intercourse as a field that can be proven. They cannot get the physical satisfaction and emotional satisfaction they feel from sexuality.
There are also individuals with a self-loving personality who take action. To give an example, they engage in many impulsive actions such as gambling addiction, alcohol addiction, cigarette addiction, etc. He takes action in order to divide his deep feeling of pain and move on to pleasure, which is another part of it. Narcissistic personality disorder patients are generally seen in men.
Somatization is also observed in later ages in individuals with a self-centered personality. Since it is related to a person's appearance, any change will cause a break. He/she feels bad about not being able to control the signs of aging, bringing with it feelings such as not being able to resist aging. Especially at certain ages, being with someone younger than oneself alleviates the pain of narcissistic breakage, at least a little. He feels that the young person likes him and will enjoy spending time with him.
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