Serious Depression Illness

Emotional Changes Occurring in Depression

Human emotions are ups and downs by nature. While we call the emotions we want to experience positive emotions, we call the emotions that disturb us negative emotions. Excessive negative emotions are like rain falling more than normal, turning into a flood and damaging us, our home and our environment. Our attitudes and attitudes when our emotions start to cause this damage to us will also be the most important determinant of how we will overcome depression (or not) and will be our solution partners in depression treatment.

Changes in Mood State

The following are the most common mood changes seen in a depressed person.

How is Our Memory Affected by Depression?

The Effect of Depression on Biological and Vital Functions

All without exception. types of depressionhit the person at their weakest point. As the person's positive thinking skills weaken, thoughts of hopelessness and pessimism (such as feeling worthless, sinful, guilty) begin to rise. So much so that in cases of serious and major depression, the person cannot control these thoughts and may develop suicidal tendencies in order to end his suffering.

The Most Dangerous Depression strong>

In severe depression, partial impairments in the ability to evaluate and reason about reality may sometimes occur. The person may stop eating or drinking, saying that his/her organs are not whole or in place, that they are rotting, and therefore eating and drinking is meaningless, and may have delusions that he/she will be harmed by those around him. Such symptoms indicate that you are in a very advanced stage of depression, and if it has not been done yet, you should urgently consult a specialist for depression treatment


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