Non-Surgical Breast and Hip Enlargement (Aquafilling)

The method introduced as non-surgical breast and hip enlargement or breast and hip enlargement without surgery; It is a hydrophilic gel method that can be applied without surgery to make women's breast and hip tissues look more attractive and natural. This gel is a biological substance with high compatibility with human tissues. It gives the natural appearance of the human body, thanks to its composition consisting of 98% of water. It provides a highly safe and long-lasting effect.

The main feature of the procedure is that the recovery period after the application is short. In order to administer the gel, a single entry point is opened from the lower middle border of the breast contour or the outer quadrant of the hip contour, and a single needle hole is sufficient for this entry point. Since it is a non-surgical procedure that causes minimal trauma for the patient, hospitalization is out of the question.

The result is immediate, with larger and firmer breasts being achieved within 45 minutes.

The procedure is made of silicone. Another great advantage over the process; It is performed under local anesthesia, by numbing only the chest or hip area. The patient is awake and breast and hip tissue can be shaped according to his/her ideas during the application. Depending on the effect of the local anesthetic liquid given after the application, a slight extra swelling occurs in the breast or hip. This extra swelling will go away on its own within a week. The patient is not put to sleep under general anesthesia. In this way, the patient does not have the fear of never waking up, or rather of being on the operating table.

If we talk about the other advantages of this procedure; These include the absence of scar tissue and the fact that the hole opened in the skin for application does not leave a scar. Additionally, thanks to the possibility of re-injection, we can give the breast or hip a larger appearance if desired.

There is no need to do anything other than avoiding heavy sports activities for 1 week after the application. Disadvantages of silicone, such as inserting a drain into the breast or hip tissue after surgery to control bleeding and wearing a bandage for a long time, are among the reasons why silicone is not preferred.

If we evaluate the permanence of this application; Since the destruction process proceeds slowly enough The clinical effect lasts up to five years. There is a loss of 20-30% in the first 3 months after the application.

In addition to all these advantages of this application, although silicone has the advantage of a longer-lasting method, it is applied under general anesthesia. Non-surgical breast and hip enlargement method has become more preferred today due to the scars left after the procedure, hospitalization, long post-operative recovery period, and being noticeable when touched.

“Is every breast or hip suitable? If we evaluate the question "for this transaction"; It is a method generally used to correct developmental disorders, asymmetries, depressions remaining from previous surgeries, and especially to enlarge small breasts and hips.

Large and very sagging breasts and hips are not a preferred method for this application.
If we evaluate the security profile of this application; The use of this filler, which has been used around the world since 2004, has been permitted by the Ministry of Health in our country. Literature studies regarding this application have proven that the gel is reliable. This gel has not been found to have any carcinogenic effects or incompatibility with the body. Any woman over the age of 18 can have this method applied to herself.

The hydrophilic gel used in the application is not applied to the mammary glands within the breast tissue, so it does not affect breastfeeding in case of pregnancy. In order for the application to be performed, the breast must be evaluated with special imaging methods to screen for masses suspicious for cancer before the application. Although the safety profile of this product is very good in case of active cancer or a suspicious mass, it is not appropriate to perform this application or any other alternative application.

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