IUI is a process performed to support physiology to increase the chance of sperm and egg meeting.

The semen sample taken from the man is washed under laboratory conditions, fast-moving and normal-looking sperm are selected and inserted into the uterus. is the process of giving. With this method, normal-looking and fast-moving sperm are removed from the vaginal environment and deposited closest to the egg. The distance the sperm must travel to reach the egg is shortened, and deformed and slow-moving sperm are also eliminated. The success rate of vaccination is around 10-15%. It can also be applied in cases of unexplained infertility, mild disorders of the sperm, in the cervix and in the presence of sperm-killing secretions.

In Vitro Fertilization
How is Insemination Done?

With the pills or injections given to the woman, the number of eggs that form spontaneously every month is increased to two or three, while the man's sperm are washed and prepared with special methods. In this way, the motile sperms are concentrated in a small volume. Sperms prepared by adjusting the hatching time of the eggs with the cracking needles to be given are left in the uterus through a special plastic cannula. In this way, the path of the sperm is shortened, allowing them to reach the egg or eggs easily. Of course, in order for this process to be performed, at least one channel or tube must be open. Therefore, it is necessary to take a uterine film before the vaccination process.

There is no need to repeat the vaccination more often, since it is known that pregnancy rates do not increase after 3 or at most 4 applications. It should be well known that vaccination cannot be given to everyone who does not have children.

If the number and movement of the man's sperm are very low, the benefit to be expected from vaccination is very low. Although there is no consensus on this number and movement, the generally accepted view is that after the washing process is applied to the man's sperm, the total number of forward-moving sperm should be at least over 1 million per ml. Another important issue is sperm deformities. Before insemination, sperm shapes should be evaluated in detail by people experienced in this field. It should be at least 4-5%.

Even if the number and movement of non-normally shaped sperm are good, there may be problems in them penetrating the egg shell and entering into it. In people who do not become pregnant despite 4 vaccinations, in vitro fertilization treatment should be started.

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