Pregnancy nausea is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. It usually starts from the 6th week of pregnancy and continues until the 13th week. It decreases and disappears in the following weeks. It is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Most pregnant women experience nausea. Nausea may be accompanied by vomiting. It occurs as a result of increased pregnancy hormones. It is also called morning sickness because it usually occurs in the early hours of the day. Morning sickness is not harmful to the expectant mother and the baby. If you are unable to eat at all or if you are vomiting everything you eat, it would be beneficial to consult your doctor.

What to do to reduce Nausea and Vomiting

►Let's eat small and frequent meals. , let's not skip meals

► Consume liquid foods half an hour before or after meals, do not consume them with meals

►After waking up in the morning, eat biscuits, pretzels and roasted chickpeas and get out of bed 15 minutes later.

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►Get plenty of rest and adequate sleep throughout the day. Relax yourself. Breathe in slowly through the nose, exhale through the mouth

►Lemon, ginger tea, lemonade are good for relieving nausea

►You can drink milk to neutralize stomach acid.

►The smell of food may distract you. It may disturb. It is important to ventilate the environment. It may also increase the feeling of nausea in hot environments.

► Stay away from spicy and fatty foods.

Drink fluids little by little throughout the day to prevent dehydration


The condition of extreme nausea and vomiting is called hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition may be accompanied by weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, weight loss and electrolyte imbalance, and in more serious cases, kidney and liver dysfunction. In this case, we provide anti-nausea medications, vitamin medications, and if it gets worse, intravenous serum supplements. We monitor it under hospital conditions.

In case of severe nausea and vomiting and if it continues after the 13th week of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.


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