Feeling Good is a Choice

Career, successful marriage, education, buying things, going on vacation and many more are things we dream of to "feel good". If you have a good career, find a perfect spouse by your standards and have perfect children with her, buy that wonderful car and on top of that, get a regular promotion at work…. NO! Unfortunately, neither research nor life experiences confirm this! If you think you can feel good about your purchases or the realization of your dreams of achieving perfection; The reason for your unhappiness is this illusion you created.


Research lists "sex" at the top of the list of things that make people feel good, that is, make people happy. Of course, if the reproductive behavior, which is necessary for the continuation of nature, is experienced fully and truly and in a human-adapted form, that is, if it fulfills the requirements such as romance, fantasy, sincerity, accepting one's own body as it is and being in harmony with your partner, it can make a person truly happy. Sex that does not fulfill these can make people unhappy. The good news is that we can treat the sexual dysfunctions of couples at this point with sexual therapy.

In the second place among the behaviors that make people feel good; It means chatting with people, that is, communicating. Explaining, resting, listening, getting ideas and most importantly getting approval. From the moment we are born, being “approved” has an important say in our psychology and how we feel. The people who were around us as children and who need to approve of us are in our close circle; that is, our family, teachers and friends who are beyond our control and choice. If we have people in this environment who constantly criticize and have issues with approval, we can come out of that childhood quite wounded. But fortunately, every childhood has a way out. At the point when you start to become an adult, we should take a look again at the feelings of worthlessness you felt because of people who criticized you and did not like us as a child, and while making peace with yourself, we should choose to ease up by realizing that the disapproval of the adults around you is an issue about them.


Everyone has positive and negative people around them. Y While there are people who approach every sudden situation negatively, there are also people who look at events positively, make people feel good, and make solution-oriented comments instead of catastrophizing. When you feel bad, talk to someone who is good for you. In this conversation, which will preferably take place face-to-face, if a negative situation develops that is beyond your control, cut the conversation short and try your luck with someone else.


The physical and mental processes of a person are affected. His mind accompanies his processes. So, while we are mentally tense and stressed, our body is tense and stressed. That's why breaking this cycle with the body is among my suggestions for feeling good.

Working at a desk job for a long time or listening to lectures in the classroom without movement can cause mental symptoms such as sleepiness and feeling unhappy. In such situations, even when you raise your hands in the air and open and close your palms, your rate of secretion of serotonin, the happiness hormone, increases significantly. If possible, the result will be better if you stand up and stretch.


Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not trying not to think about anything, but trying to follow the mind and observe yourself. Their special rituals are not important at all. It is a break to observe yourself that you can take anytime, sitting, lying down, or during lunch break. It means letting your mind flow without directing it for a few minutes and watching what it reacts to in that situation. So you get to know yourself, your senses, the things you have developed tolerance for and the things you have not.

And the good news is, you can do this at age 5 or at age 85. Research has shown that the minds of people who meditate regularly work better, cope with difficulties better, and are healthier.


When you do certain stretching movements while watching your mind in meditation, what you do is called "yoga". Letting your mind flow for a while with stretching steps appropriate to your body's capacity will be gratefully received by both your body and mind.


Humans are united with other living creatures. Both are meaningful and complete. One of the things that makes people happy is healthy socialization with others. It has been observed that in the happiness duel between a person buying something for himself with the money he has and buying something for someone else, the behavior of giving/taking something to someone else is clearly ahead. In other words, people are happier when they help someone or buy a gift for a loved one. For this reason, we can say that no matter how big or small, exchanging gifts makes you happy.


We have talked at length about the importance of receiving approval in human life. When we get married, at least one person approves of us. Receiving this approval regularly every day also contributes to a person's stable happiness. However, it should be underlined here that just as a happy marriage affects human life positively, an unhappy marriage also has the power to negatively affect human life. That's why it is very important for married couples to pay attention to their marital problems and not hesitate to get support if necessary.

I wish you all a nice day where you create excuses to be happy.


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