
We all put off some responsibilities from time to time that we find boring or that we don't want to do. However, studies show that 20% of the population exhibit chronic procrastination behaviors. Procrastination behavior can sometimes be for specific tasks, but in some people it manifests itself as procrastination of almost all work. Searching for a place, doing homework, repairing the tap at home, answering e-mails, making a doctor's appointment for swelling in the armpits...

When our desire not to do this kind of work reaches extreme levels, we become stuck under the accumulated and unfinished works and a spirit that collapses rapidly. We start to become. Each unfinished mission is now linked to the previous one and stands like a mountain that is difficult to cross. On top of all this, since we are a species that is very successful in deceiving itself, this problem is minimized in our eyes. etc. We relax ourselves by reducing the importance of the event with sentences. Of course, this does not solve any problem, and it is like approaching a fire with gasoline.

Perfectionism and procrastination often go hand in hand. The procrastinator often abandons all responsibility and avoids potential judgments, rather than doing a sloppy or non-ideal job. Who can accuse me of incompetence if there are no results to criticize? If I want, I can do everything in the most perfect way, but I just don't want it. In fact, some procrastinators often leave their responsibilities to the last minute. They also rationalize this behavior by claiming that they perform better under pressure. However, as I have seen from the studies and the examples in my professional life, this tactic also often does not work. Because there are many responsibilities that, by their nature, require time and effort. Claiming that you can handle all these at the last moment and delaying it and ignoring other negative examples by considering a few positive examples will eventually result in negativity. For example, imagine that you are a student working in the first year of university, 2 days before the finals and midterms. Maybe because of the lack of subjects in your first visa and most of the courses are still at the entry level, you can study and get an average or above grade 2 days before the exam. you have received. If you find all the merits in yourself here, think that you are a genius and ignore the knowledge that exams can be easy, your chances of studying early for the next exam will be almost non-existent. Then, when you start working 2 days before the finals, you may be afraid and anxious in the face of accumulated issues. In this case, you will either admit your mistake and change your behavior, or you will be angry at the teacher for asking difficult questions, on your stomach for being bored and not giving you lessons, or at your classmate for hitting your pen on the desk during the exam and distracting you.

Procrastination is more of a habit and an attitude than a choice. "I'm not going to have any fun doing these things, I'll do it anyway when the time comes." Every behavior that we postpone will become a habit over time due to repetition. The good news is, habits are sets of learned behaviors. So we always have a chance to learn a different behavior pattern. However, this change can only be achieved by dedicating the necessary time and effort. stay lies. Often, the person who chooses not to do the behavior they should do will feel good with alternative behaviors. For example, he will believe that he is not wasting his time by cleaning his room, dusting around or arranging his closet instead of overhauling the project. However, this short-term well-being will not last long. Ultimately, the responsibility they postponed still awaits them and the negative consequences are imminent. You can even feel good for a short time without doing the alternative behavior. For example, you should take a walk for your health, but you did not do it today. You still have time. But you don't want it at all. Anyway, you said you'd walk tomorrow and suddenly you started to feel better. Like any human being, you have to procrastinate from time to time because you are not a robot. It would be nice if you could actually walk tomorrow. What if you postpone it tomorrow? The next day too? Continuing like this, “I will definitely sign up for the gym in the summer!” maybe the next 3 you can postpone the moon walk and feel good. However, the main purpose of walking (being healthy) is still there waiting for you.

When we look at the studies, people with chronic procrastination are more enthusiastic about their personal pleasures and the tasks they care about, unlike other people. They also place more emphasis on a strong work ethic.

Although procrastination can provide instant relief, it can lead to failure in school, lower productivity at work, decreased general well-being, insomnia, reduced immunity, and gastrointestinal upset. Similarly, diseases that can be treated relatively easily, due to the continuous postponement of necessary health checks, can progress to such an extent that they have very bad results. At the same time, chronic procrastination harms interpersonal and romantic relationships. Procrastination can sometimes occur as a symptom of depression as well. People diagnosed with depression have loss of self-confidence, difficulty making plans, and "what's the point?" They can delay events because of their thinking style.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an important method to get rid of procrastination behavior. Questioning and functionalizing negative thought patterns and behavioral activation methods used in this therapy have positive results in people with chronic procrastination behavior. However, the important point here is that it takes time and effort. Such behaviors are learned over a long period of time and become habits. To think that we will get rid of them in an instant would be an erroneous and wrong reading. Any habit learned can be changed, as long as you willingly seek help from the right therapist.

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