Can hemorrhoids be treated without surgery?
There are methods for treating hemorrhoids that can be applied in clinic conditions without being hospitalized. The advantage of these treatments is that they are performed in outpatient clinic conditions, without anesthesia, without pain, and the patient can continue his daily life. There is no pain during the treatment and the patient walks after the treatment.
What are the non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment methods?
The non-surgical methods described below create scar tissue in the area where they are applied. They are based on the principle of fixing the loose tissue to the ground by creating healing tissue.
Band ligation: A rubber band is placed at the bottom of the hemorrhoid tissue with a special tool and it is suffocated. Thus, the hemorrhoid tissue, whose circulation is impaired, falls off on its own.
Infrared coagulation: Infrared light is given to the hemorrhoid tissue with a special device. Infrared light causes coagulation and shrinkage in the hemorrhoid tissue, causing it to disappear.
Surgitron: Radiofrequency wave is applied to the hemorrhoid area with a special tool. With radiofrequency energy, hemorrhoids shrink and disappear. Bleeding and tissue damage are very minimal. It is especially used in external hemorrhoids.
Sclerotherapy: Drug is injected into the tissue around the hemorrhoid. This drug causes hemorrhoid tissue to coagulate and shrink, causing it to disappear.
Can hemorrhoids be treated with laser without surgery?
It is not possible to treat hemorrhoids with laser without surgery. Radiofrequency (surgitron) and infrared treatments are popularly known as laser treatment.
What are the causes of hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoid formation is caused by familial (hereditary)
strong>tendency is important.Excessive straining is the most important factor causing hemorrhoids. The pressure that increases with straining expands the hemorrhoid cushions and causes them to lose their elasticity and sag over time.
Constipation, eating pulp-free foods, jobs that require standing for long periods of time, heavy work, diarrhea, and low-fiber fast food type diet are among the causes of hemorrhoids. .
In addition to the increase in pressure during pregnancy, hemorrhoid symptoms occur due to the effect of hormones. After pregnancy, some of them regress and the symptoms disappear. In the molars, hemorrhoids may become permanent.
Hemorrhoid patients suffer unnecessarily for a long time until they decide on treatment. This wasted time causes the disease to worsen and makes treatment difficult. However, most of the hemorrhoids can be treated without surgery within 5-10 minutes.
How common are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases. Approximately one in three people has a hemorrhoid problem.
It occurs equally in men and women. Since the tissues are healthy before the age of 15, hemorrhoid disease is not common. If it did not cause problems until the age of 65, it usually does not occur after this age.
How is hemorrhoids diagnosed?
Hemorrhoid examination is performed with a special clothing that leaves the examination area exposed. It is done in a lying position. The examination is not painful. First, the external region is examined.
Rectosigmoidoscopy and anoscopy instruments are used to look and examine the internal parts of the large intestine. The last 8-10 cm section of the large intestine is examined with an anoscopy instrument, and the last 10-20 cm section is examined with a rectosigmoidoscopy instrument. Internal hemorrhoids can only be seen during examination with these instruments. If the person wishes, they can see the condition of their disease on the screen and take images with the camera connected to these devices.
If a person has symptoms of hemorrhoids, he/she must be examined by a specialist doctor. Because these symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of large intestine cancer, one of the most common cancers.
What are the degrees of hemorrhoids?
The shape, structure and condition of hemorrhoids are examined during examination. Grading is made according to.
First degree: They are normally not noticed, there is swelling that is palpable with straining, and disappears after straining. It may cause bleeding complaints.
Second degree: It comes out of the anus during toilet, and enters by itself after toilet.
Third degree: > It comes out with the toilet, then it does not go in on its own, it can be pushed in again by hand.
Fourth degree: Hemorrhoids are always outside, they cannot be pushed in.
It will be applied according to the degree of hemorrhoids. The type of treatment varies.
What diseases can be confused with hemorrhoids?
The following diseases, which have similar or almost the same complaints and symptoms, can be confused with hemorrhoids.
<Using random medication just because I have hemorrhoids based on the symptoms is therefore extremely wrong and dangerous. First, it must be examined, diagnosed and then treated. Early diagnosis and early treatment of cancer and lesions that may be cancerous precursors ensure a completely normal life.
How are hemorrhoids treated?
Hemorrhoid treatment depends on the degree (stage) of the hemorrhoid. ) varies depending on the Recommended and accepted methods according to the stage of hemorrhoids can be listed as follows.
Stage-1 (hemorrhoids with palpable swelling that disappears after straining): band ligation, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, It is treated with non-surgical methods such as radiofrequency, etc.
Stage-2 (hemorrhoids that come out during the toilet and come in by themselves after the toilet):Band ligation, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, radiofrequency, etc. with non-surgical methods. It is treated.
Stage-3 (hemorrhoids that come out during the toilet and do not go back in on their own after the toilet, and need to be pushed back in manually): usually band ligation, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, radiofrequency. etc. are treated with non-surgical methods and sometimes with surgery.
Stage-4 (hemorrhoids that are always outside and cannot be pushed in):It is treated by surgery under general anesthesia with the classical method or the longo method. .
Can hemorrhoids be treated with medications?
In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is often used in the form of creams, suppositories and pills, which have edema-reducing, vasoconstrictor and pain-relieving properties. drugs are used. However, such medical treatments It is aimed at relieving complaints, relieving and refreshing the person rather than treating the disease. It is dangerous to use cortisone creams for a very long time.
It is not possible to completely heal or eliminate hemorrhoids with medical treatment (medication).
What are the methods of preventing hemorrhoids?
Prevention of straining: Straining, one of the most important causes of hemorrhoids, can be reduced by preventing constipation. To prevent constipation, it is necessary to eat fibrous foods, consume fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Hot, spicy, acidic foods and ready-made foods should be avoided. If necessary, the person should be helped to come out in a soft condition with the help of medication. Weight should not be gained.
Acquiring regular toilet habits: It is useful to go to the toilet after breakfast as much as possible. In addition, one should not strain to go to the toilet without the need to go to the toilet, one should not stay in the toilet for too long, and one should not strain for long periods of time. You should not wait for a long time when your toilet comes, and it should be emptied as soon as possible. If hemorrhoids come out after going to the toilet, they should be pushed in manually and replaced.
Taking a hot water sitz bath: Sitting in hot water regularly for 10-15 minutes a day is very beneficial and relaxing. If there is a bathtub in the bathroom, sitting in a basin-like container filled with hot water is effective in reducing edema and pain and in regressing hemorrhoids.
How is hemorrhoid surgery performed?
Classic. Hemorrhoid surgery is performed under general anesthesia (sleep anesthesia). During surgery, hemorrhoid tissue is removed by cutting with a scalpel and scissors. Stitches are placed on the cut areas.
How is laser hemorrhoid surgery performed?
Laser hemorrhoid surgery is performed under general anesthesia (sleeping anesthesia) . In surgery, hemorrhoid tissue is cut and removed with laser light instead of scalpels or scissors. Stitches are placed on the cut areas.
How is hemorrhoid surgery performed with Longo?
Hemorrhoid surgery with Longo method is under general anesthesia (sleeping anesthesia). In the surgery, a special tool is used to remove the hemorrhoids from the upper area all around. Ka-shaped tissue is removed and automatic stitching is applied. Thus, the sagging tissue is pulled up. There is almost no pain after surgery. You can return to normal life within a week.
When should hemorrhoids be treated with surgery?
Fourth degree hemorrhoids, which are always outside and cannot be pushed in, need to be treated with surgery.
Are there risks of hemorrhoid surgery?
The problem of pain after surgery is quite high. Full healing takes approximately 3 weeks. There are risks, albeit small, of anal stenosis, inability to hold feces or gas, and discharge.
Can hemorrhoids be treated without surgery?
Hemorrhoids can be treated under clinical conditions without being hospitalized. There are methods. The advantage of these treatments is that they are performed in outpatient clinic conditions, without anesthesia, without pain, and the patient can continue his daily life. There is no pain during the treatment and the patient can walk after the treatment.
What are the non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment methods?
The non-surgical methods described below will leave a scar (scar) where they are applied. ) They are based on the principle of fixing the loose tissue to the ground by creating healing tissue, called tissue.
Band ligation: A rubber band is placed at the bottom of the hemorrhoid tissue with a special tool and it is suffocated. Thus, the hemorrhoid tissue, whose circulation is impaired, falls off on its own.
Infrared coagulation: Infrared light is given to the hemorrhoid tissue with a special device. Infrared light causes coagulation and shrinkage in the hemorrhoid tissue, causing it to disappear.
Surgitron: Radiofrequency wave is applied to the hemorrhoid area with a special tool. With radiofrequency energy, hemorrhoids shrink and disappear. Bleeding and tissue damage are very minimal. It is especially used in external hemorrhoids.
Sclerotherapy: Drug is injected into the tissue around the hemorrhoid. This drug causes hemorrhoid tissue to coagulate and shrink, causing it to disappear.
Can hemorrhoids be treated with laser without surgery?
It is not possible to treat hemorrhoids with laser without surgery. Radiofrequency (surgitron) and infrared treatments are popularly known as laser treatment.
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