Genital Organ Aesthetics

Deformity in the genital area can be present at birth or develop later for various reasons (birth, accident, etc.). These deformities in the genital area can negatively affect the sexual life and even the daily life of the woman, and over time, it can cause alienation from sexual intercourse, even obsession or obsession. It can also cause serious problems such as anxiety.

Female external genital organs, the hairy upper part below the navel, which we call mons pubis, the hairy outer lips of the labia major, the hairless inner lips of the labia minor, the upper junction of the clitoris and labia minora, which we call hymen. The hymen is the membrane layer at the entrance to the vagina. In some young women, some of these external anatomical structures may be underdeveloped, underdeveloped, asymmetrically developed or overdeveloped. As a woman begins to get to know her own body, these differences in her genital area may cause problems. The bleeding that occurs when the hymen, called hymen, ruptures during the first sexual intercourse, does not occur in a type of hymen that is born with what we call congenital, and the situation can sometimes pose a problem for both the young woman and her partner. For this reason, a woman who has reached sexual maturity should have a routine examination and get to know her external genital system before starting an active sexual life.


One of the most common genital aesthetic problems is the size of the outer and inner lips. and sagging. The inner lips (labia minora) form the folded structures that extend from the upper part of the clitoris to the bottom of the entrance to the vagina. In some women, it is considered natural for the inner lips to extend slightly from the outer lips. However, although it does not cause a significant medical problem if it is so long that it hangs over the outer lips, it spoils the aesthetic appearance and pushes the woman to seek a solution. Sometimes the outer lips (labium majus) may be structurally longer, larger or asymmetrical than normal. In this case, the labia may be stretched by the thrust of the penis during sexual intercourse, which may cause pain. For all these reasons, the labia can be reduced to their normal size through treatment and cosmetic surgery. Asymmetry - if present - can be eliminated. Labioplasty operation can also be performed on people who have not given birth before. Even doing it on virgin girls will not cause any problems with the hymen.

Since dissolvable stitches are used in the procedure, which takes 30 - 40 minutes under local or general anesthesia, there is no problem of removing stitches. This surgery does not damage the hymen and does not cause any harm or obstacle to sexual intercourse, orgasm, pregnancy and giving birth. There is no problem with urination after the surgery, and there is no extreme pain or burning in the surgery area. Wound healing is completed in a week. Sexual intercourse can be had 3-4 weeks after the surgery. When viewed from the outside, the surgery scar is not noticeable. You can take a shower after 2 days.

Narrowing of the vagina


Another genital aesthetic problem is the width of the vagina. This situation prevents women from getting enough pleasure during sexual intercourse. Moreover, the problem does not only end there; Women may also face health problems such as urinary incontinence due to their enlarged vaginas. Causes of vaginal enlargement; Genetically, some women may have a normally larger vagina. Too many intercourses, abortion, birth, the baby being large at birth, tears that are not repaired properly after birth or opening of the stitches after birth, and loss of elasticity in the vagina with advancing age cause enlargement and loosening in the vagina.


Sometimes, some unpleasant sounds may come from the vagina during sexual intercourse. In this case, if the vagina is wider than it should be, the problem can be solved by narrowing it.


Sometimes, in order to increase sexual pleasure, vaginal tightening is also used in women who have not given birth before or even in single women. surgeries can be performed.


As the vaginal width increases, the bladder and intestines generally sag towards the vagina. Sagging of the urinary bladder, urinary incontinence, urgency, etc. It may cause problems such as: Vaginal enlargement also prevents normal vaginal irrigation during intercourse and further increases the problem. As a result, the vagina becomes looser, its inner and outer width increases and sexual pleasure decreases. The loosening of the walls will also reduce the sexual pleasure of the male sexual partner. Surgically, the vaginal canal is narrowed and the relaxed muscle structures are corrected.


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