Oral and Dental Health of Asthma Patients

“There is no object that is respected among the people like the state...
The state is like a breath of fresh air in the world, like health...”

Suleiman the Magnificent only explains what your health is with these lines. I remember his beautiful words again these days, May 3 Asthma Week, in which he emphasized not only how important breathing is, but also how important breathing is. I wanted to share brief information with you about what asthma patients should pay attention to in terms of oral and dental health, both during dental treatments and during the course of their disease.

Asthma is related to the respiratory system, which occurs as a result of inflammation of the lungs or narrowing of the bronchi due to allergic reasons. It is a chronic disease. The dentist should ask questions to determine the age of onset of the disease, the type of the disease, the frequency and severity of seizures, the factors that trigger the seizures, and the medications the patient uses in a patient who is determined to have asthma. For this reason, it is important for patients to give adequate information about their diseases to the dentist. Asthma information learned from the patient's history will help the dentist to take special precautions in the patient's treatment.

Although they are under constant medication, they frequently Patients with a history of asthma attacks are at serious risk for dental treatment, and dental treatments should be evaluated after doctor consultation. It is very important for your health that your physician sends you for consultation, please take care.

As is the case with many patients, the psychological impact of coming to the dentist and the physiological stresses of the treatment may cause the development of a crisis. Please do not forget to bring your asthma medications with you when you come to your dentist.

Some drugs, such as barbiturates, narcotics, aspirin and penicillin, can cause a crisis to develop. It is therefore important for patients to consult their physicians regarding the use of these drugs. Also,Do not forget that the dye substances in some medications may also trigger the crisis.   

If the patient is allergic to a specific substance, this substance should be treated. Do not forget to share this information with your physician to ensure that the patient is removed from the environment. Additionally, some menthols may trigger seizures, so be careful to choose non-mentholated gums and toothpastes.

In some asthmatic patients, seizures occur following bacterial and viral infections of the lower and upper respiratory tract. Eliminating periodontal (gum) and periapical (tooth root tip) infection foci in the mouth is very important as it is useful in preventing asthma attacks, do not neglect it.

It is used as a powder aerosol in the treatment of asthma. Some medications used cause the pH in the oral environment to increase. This situation causes erosion, especially in children's teeth. In order to keep the mouth pH at a normal level, people who use asthma medications such as "Pulmicort", "Ventolin" and "Serevent" should rinse their mouth thoroughly with plenty of water after each use of the medication, and apply a fluoride toothpaste at least three times a day to strengthen tooth enamel. They need to brush their teeth.

Saliva secretion is also reduced in asthma patients. This condition can negatively affect tooth and gum health by causing dry mouth. In such cases, patients can use special dental creams that increase saliva secretion by consulting their dentist. Stay healthy.

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