The school year opens new doors for children and mothers... Starting school; It brings learning new things, meeting new people, socializing, and achieving new dreams. A very exciting, sometimes stressful, enjoyable and developing period begins for the whole family. Nowadays, a process begins that social media supports, directs and hinders step by step with visuals, texts and likes... This process, which used to be shared only with the nuclear family, relatives, neighbors and friends, is now shared with the whole world just a click away...
From birth From now on, it has become essential to celebrate and document every moment and every month of babies with enthusiasm and pomp. Happy, well-groomed mothers who can do everything together and their perfect children... Unfortunately, a process that started like this has increased all kinds of expectations exponentially during the school period... Our children and their mothers They found themselves in a meaningless race. Mothers, with all their good intentions, try to keep their children in this pace and not to miss anything. Our children have to be multicultural, very intelligent children who have to learn a lot, eat very healthy, and do activities in the field of art and sports. .. No matter what their mothers do, they are always incomplete, always anxious, always left alone with wonders…
Perfection syndrome can cause a feeling of inadequacy, self-blame, and extreme anxiety in the mother. Children who grow up with perfection syndrome lack problem-solving skills, may experience self-confidence problems, get bored easily, and grow up self-centered. A child who grows up thinking that he can achieve whatever he wants and that he is perfect and flawless can experience great disappointment and self-confidence problems when he encounters obstacles, rejections and failures in real life. When they become adults, they can constantly evaluate themselves on the axis of success/failure and become unhappy.
We can understand our children's real needs, interests, abilities, and areas of difficulty by spending quality time together, listening to them, chatting with them, and playing games with them. The love we share unconditionally with our children In an environment of safety and security; We can help them develop and change and grow as happy individuals by supporting them in line with their needs, being there for them when they make mistakes, teaching them boundaries when necessary, and listening when they want to talk.
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