Anal fissure, also known as anal fissure, is one of the most painful diseases of the anal area. It is the most common anal disease after hemorrhoids. The most common cause is constipation. In the early stages, the patient only feels pain as a feeling of scratching the glass while going to the toilet, but if it is not treated, it becomes chronic and the patient suffers the same pain but experiences pain for hours after going to the toilet. Since the anal muscles cannot relax, it has difficulty evacuating.
While anal fissures have a 50% chance of being corrected with creams in the early stages, when they become chronic, there is no chance of improvement with medication and botox or surgery is required. Botox treatment, which has been developed as an alternative to surgery that has been used for many years, is as successful as surgery. Anal fissure botox: In cases where there is no response to the drug treatment of newly formed anal fissures and chronic anal fissures, Botox should be the first choice. Botilismus toxin A is used in the treatment.
How is Botox applied in the treatment of anal fissure?
With the help of a very thin needle, 50 injections each are inserted into the left and right muscles that are to be paralyzed using the fingers. unit is performed. The application can be done in 1 minute without the need for drugs. It causes as much pain as the injection pain. Another important issue is whether it is administered properly into the muscle, this success rate is valid in experienced hands. If it is not applied into the appropriate muscle, success will decrease.
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