
Parkinson's is a movement disorder. The condition in which the movement is defined as impaired is that the movement cannot be performed at the desired speed and shape. This can be in the form of involuntary movement, or it can be observed as a situation where movement is slower than normal or not at all. One of these movement disorders is Parkinson's disease, basically Any damage to the brain regions that control our movements in the brain or a problem in the communication of these brain regions with each other can cause this. In Parkinson's disease, the main clinical findings are tremors in the hands, slowness of movements, and stiffness in the joints.

The most common clinical findings in Parkinson's patients. Since the symptom is tremor in the hands, Parkinson's disease is actually defined as a type of tremor disease. However, a group of patients present a clinical picture in which the slowdown in movements is observed, where tremor is not at the forefront, but this does not prevent the patient from being diagnosed with Parkinson's. In Parkinson's disease, the main basis is dopamine cells in the brain. There is a loss of dopamine group. Due to the presence of dopamine cell loss, bopomine support must be provided. The main goal of treatment is to activate these dopominalgic cells or replace the missing dopamine. Therefore, the primary target in the medical treatment of Parkinson's disease is to replace this dopamine or treatment options aiming to protect existing dopamine cells. However, the drug options used in the medical treatment of Parkinson's disease are quite limited, and the need to take medication at frequent intervals is the main problem in the treatment of this disease.

In fact, before talking about the treatment of Parkinson's patients, it should be mentioned that Parkinson's disease is a multifactorial disease, that is, a disease caused by more than one cause. Here, environmental factors as well as genetic causes must be taken into consideration. Therefore, the main goal in treating the disease with medication or alternative treatment methods is not to completely eliminate the disease. As in many other neurological diseases, the main goal in this disease is to increase the basic quality of life of the patient. is aimed at.

So to summarize, Parkinson's disease causes tremors and haemorrhage in the hands. It is a movement disorder in which slowing down of impulses is basically observed. The first option in the treatment of this disease is to replace the dopamine used in Parkinson's disease and decreased in the brain in this disease.


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