Why Doesn't My Child Talk?

How eagerly are you waiting for him to say 'mother-father'? Let the words come out of your mouth, even if only a few times. However, your little baby is one and a half or two years old, but he is speechless. Faced with such a situation, many parents experience the distress and even fear of this silence. Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr. Özlem Şireli stated that speech delay is a common problem and is seen with a frequency of 3-10% in our country and said, “Speech delay is a situation where the child has insufficient language development compared to his/her peers. There is a significant deficiency in the fluency, content and vocabulary of speech. "This very common problem is 3-4 times more common in boys than in girls," he says. Dr. stated that he started saying his first words in the eighteenth month and that the vocabulary of a child of this age is expected to be around 10-50. Şireli emphasized that during this period, approximately one-fourth of what the child says is understandable to others and said, "After the age of one and a half or two, the child's language development accelerates."

Attention to hearing loss!

Hearing loss is also one of the important factors. Hearing problems that occur in the early stages of life negatively affect both comprehension and expressive language development. The child with hearing loss speaks later.

Therapy is a must. !

The treatment process requires that the child's communication with the mother and father in his immediate environment be structured in the right direction, as well as receiving speech therapy or special education when necessary.

The reasons are different. may

The causes of speech delay may be mental retardation, or it may be due to many reasons such as bilingualism or lack of interest. Mental retardation is the most common cause of speech delay. As the child's intelligence level decreases, speech and language development also decreases. . In speech delay due to mental retardation, there is a problem in both understanding and expressing what is spoken. The intelligence of a child with speech delay must be evaluated.

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