Adenovirus 14 causes serious clinical conditions. The fact that the disease is severe and causes deaths in people infected with Adenovirus 14 increases the importance of the issue.
Adenovirus 14, defined as the 'killer cold virus', causes pneumonia epidemics. The incubation period of the infection, which is seen in all age groups, is 5 to 8 days.
The disease begins with cough, runny nose and fever. There is difficulty in swallowing. In some cases, this condition lasts for 3 to 5 days and resolves spontaneously. In 40% of patients, the clinical picture worsens and difficulty in breathing occurs.
High fever
Enlargement of lymph nodes
And pneumonia develops.
Adenovirus 14 is contagious. It is transmitted through the air. The virus spreads through the coughs, sneezes and runny noses of sick individuals.
This virus can survive for hours and days in the infected environment.
It is resistant to disinfectants.
In adenovirus infections, contagiousness lasts for months. It may last. There is a risk of recurrence of infection. The disease progresses in epidemics.
What are the risk factors for Adenovirus 14?
Going to school and nursery
Staying in a dormitory
Using public transportation
Using children's playgrounds in shopping malls is the main risk factor.
The disease is severe in individuals with weak immune systems and in newborns and babies.
Diagnosis in Adenovirus 14;
Virus isolation
Detection of antibodies against adenovirus 14
It is determined by identifying the virus from tissues and fluids by the PCR method.
In treatment;
Fluid supplementation
Fever reduction and isolation are important.
Severe cases should be followed and treated in hospital. Antiviral treatment is applied in these cases.
Difficulties in the diagnosis of adenovirus 14 infection often cause late diagnosis of the disease. B. The high level of acute phase reactants used in the diagnosis of bacterial infections in this disease causes errors and causes unnecessary antibiotics to be given to the patient.
Adenovirus 14 is an infectious disease that can have a serious course.
Respiratory failure and bacterial pneumonia. In cases that can be interpreted as adenovirus 14 must be excluded.
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