Smoking and Alcohol-Substance Addiction

To easily get rid of smoking and alcohol-substance addiction...
Bioresonance is, in short, the process of energetically stimulating the body against that substance by using the frequencies emitted by substances to its environment. Quitt therapy, on the other hand, originates from Germany and is a special form of bioresonance technology focused on addictions and weight loss. It may be possible to compare this process to vaccination. The aim is to create a "shaking" and "cleansing" state in the body against the allergen or addictive substance. Bioresonance technique is based on the knowledge that two frequencies that are mirror images of each other will cancel each other out. The frequency (electromagnetic emission) received from the smoked cigarette is electronically reversed (as a mirror image) and given to the body in the form of very small electromagnetic signals. The process is like broadcasting to the body at low frequencies (like radio signals). Giving the mirror image of the frequency pattern taken from the addictive substance to the body and the knowledge that the two reverse frequency patterns will cancel each other... In short, Quitt bioresonance session is the process of deleting the frequencies emitted by the addictive substance from the body. A single session of 40 or 50 minutes is usually sufficient for this. During the procedure, the person does not feel anything other than calmness and relaxation. One session of the therapies we provide for quitting smoking and related substances is often sufficient. The second session or support session is used only when the desire to smoke continues or the mental state needs to be supported. The first 48 hours are the time required for the body to adapt to the new energetic state and the time during which the person must more or less resist the urge to smoke. A strong desire to smoke is not expected at this time, but the first 48 hours are still the riskiest time. At the end of 48 hours, it is expected that the desire to smoke will come only occasionally and only slightly. Even though 48 hours have passed, even if only from time to time; If you have a clear, sharp desire to smoke, a support session is definitely recommended.

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