OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

OCD, called Obsession, is a mental disorder consisting of intrusive and persistent thoughts experienced involuntarily and repetitive actions performed to reduce and suppress the effects of these thoughts, called compulsion.

OCD is a disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions. It has been determined that OCD is seen in 3 out of every hundred people. However, it is predicted that this number will increase due to the Covid-19 pandemic currently occurring in the world. The most common contamination obsession and cleaning compulsion have increased significantly during the fight against Covid-19.

Many of us have the thought (obsession) of whether I will be infected with the virus from where I touch. This is followed by hand washing, disinfection or cologne use (compulsion). Even shopping items are now disinfected, which increases OCD symptoms in people. There are two types of these intrusive thoughts, namely obsessions, autogenous and reactive.

   Autogenous obsessions are obsessions that are more repetitive, more disturbing, and easier to appear in the mind.

   Reactive obsessions are triggered by more external stimuli and disturb the person less. The involuntary and persistent thoughts that most of us probably experience right now belong to the group we call reactive obsessions.

   Such obsessions are triggered by identifiable situations and stimuli. There is a real virus threat right now. Therefore, instead of immediately panicking by thinking that such experiences are showing symptoms of OCD, if you think that this situation is affecting your functionality and daily life, consult a specialist.


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