Hunger Hormone

Recent research results show that ghrelin (the hunger hormone) can encourage you to eat favorite foods after a meal, even if you are not hungry.

Excessive or untimely secretion of the ghrelin

hormone may cause this.

In experiments, people who were given ghrelin hormone externally ate much more than normal, even if they were full. It has been observed that they continue to eat. It is a hormone. In addition to being produced primarily in the fundus part of the stomach

, it is also produced in small amounts by the intestine, kidney, pituitary gland, placenta,

prostate, testicle, brain and hypothalamus.

After it is produced in the stomach, it reaches its receptors in the anterior pituitary and hypothalamic region and stimulates the release of GH (growth hormone), regulating energy balance and nutritional intake. While it increases in the blood during fasting, its amount decreases after a meal. It transmits information to the brain that increases food intake and fat tissue. Its levels in the blood are high in anorexia nervosa and during the growth period. It also prevents depletion of energy stores and cachexia

Ghrelin, an exogenously administered hunger hormone, increases food intake in mice, reduces fat utilization, and ultimately causes an increase in fat tissue. Why

It happens.

Jeffrey Zigman from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, who has studies on overcoming addiction through addiction cycle

, has a key role in appetite

< He said that ghrelin is also associated with the reward center and encourages eating more. It is also possible that one of the reasons for overeating may be related to the excessive release of ghrelin

Life style is one of the factors affecting ghrelin levels.

Chronic insomnia may be associated with excessive ghrelin levels. It is known to cause secretion.

This may be the answer to why trying to continue life with little sleep on a daily basis causes an increase in weight.

Ghrelin affects appetite. It has also been confirmed in studies that it is related to the hormones leptin, cholecystokinin and insulin, which are effective in controlling It was observed that the levels decreased rapidly, and when insulin supplementation ended, ghrelin hormone levels returned to normal. The insulin hormone works to reduce blood glucose, which rises immediately after meals. In such a case, it is necessary to decrease the ghrelin hormone

because ghrelin tries to increase blood glucose.

Considering that insulin increases the levels of "leptin", which is the satiety hormone, the insulin hormone decreases. Its importance in controlling appetite

is understood.

A positive relationship has been found between leptin and BMI, waist circumference and hip circumference.

Ghrelin and waist circumference and waist/hip circumference. A negative relationship was detected between the ratio.

Most of the leptin hormone is synthesized in fat tissue;

With the weight loss of the individuals participating in the study, a decrease in leptin levels was observed in parallel with the decrease in body fat mass

. An increase in serum ghrelin levels is observed with weight loss, but this increase is not significant.

The fact that ghrelin levels are affected not only by weight changes but also by individual eating habits and environmental factors. It suggests that it may change according to

The fact that ghrelin is a hormone that shows rapid changes in short periods of time

supports this situation.

With the need for further research on the subject, precautions that can be taken


 Attention should be paid to a regular sleep cycle.

 Ensuring that individuals adapt to a healthy

nutrition and healthy lifestyle, starting from infancy and childhood, is the gold in this subject.

is the standard.

 Healthy nutrition and regular exercise should be carried out together to achieve a healthy weight.

 Efforts to bring formula closer to breast milk continue

should be done. (It is known that formula-fed babies are more obese later in life.) It is falling. After the first months, babies gain more weight than babies fed with AS. The high serum ghrelin and leptin levels of babies fed AS

show that these hormones pass to the baby through breast milk and have a role in regulating the energy balance in the later period


makes you think. Low levels of ghrelin and leptin in formula-fed people

may be related to the content of formula food or bottle feeding.)

 Even if there are hormonal reasons for consuming excessive carbohydrates, the individual It is possible to cope with this situation if one can maintain self-


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