Caries Treatment

Bacterial plaque, consisting of bacteria in the mouth, forms acid with sugary foods. These acids dissolve the mineral tissue of the teeth, causing the tooth enamel to deteriorate and eventually cause tooth decay to begin and progress to the formation of cavities called cavities.

Caries is easily recognized by the dark color and cavities on the tooth. But sometimes the cavity remains hidden and the dentist can only diagnose it with auxiliary diagnostic tools (such as dental x-ray). Caries is sometimes seen where the tooth tubercles intersect with each other or on the neck of the tooth. Sometimes, hidden caries between two teeth go unnoticed for a long time. The most important symptom of tooth decay that requires consulting a dentist is pain. Pain occurs from cold, hot, sweet or sour. The severity of the pain varies from person to person, and when the cause is eliminated, the pain disappears; However, in cases of untreated caries, the pain becomes constant after a while. Additionally, odors in the mouth may be a sign of caries.



How does tooth decay progress?

Caries It starts from the enamel layer on the surface of the tooth and progresses to reach the dentin layer. Dentin contains more organic matter than enamel. For this reason, rot spreads more quickly in this layer. The rate at which decay progresses varies greatly from person to person and from tooth to tooth. What should not be forgotten is that enamel and dentin are defense organs of the tooth.


What should be done to protect from caries?

The first thing to do is oral hygiene, regular 6-month check-ups, It is important to go to the dentist and follow his recommendations. Ensuring oral hygiene is the first priority in protecting from caries. In fact, protecting from caries is a matter of personal will and we all need to be aware of the comfort that healthy teeth and a healthy mouth will bring.

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