Nose Middle Part Curvature Surgery

The structure that is located between the nostrils and divides the nasal cavity into two is called the "septum". The septum is composed of bone and cartilage.

What Causes Nasal Curvature?

One of the most common causes of nasal obstruction is deformities in the septum.
Curved septum, which should normally be thin and straight (deviation); It can make breathing through the nose difficult or impossible.
Surgical intervention is recommended in cases where the septum is deformed enough to cause nasal obstruction. These surgeries in which the septum curvature is corrected; It is called "septoplasty".

What is Septoplasty Surgery (Septum Deviation)?

Septoplasty; It is the operation to correct the deformity of the septum.
After the anesthesia applied to the patient, an incision is made through the nose on one side of the septum. The surgeon corrects the obstructing part of the septum from this incision.
In deviation surgery; The obstructing septum part can be removed or the obstructing septum part can be corrected and repositioned. No matter which method is applied, the external appearance of the nose does not change. We generally do not use nasal packing after surgery. Therefore, after the operation, our patients can return to their home and normal life in a short time. After the doctor's control, they can return to their homes.
Our patients can easily get through the post-operative recovery period, as nasal packing is not used in our otorhinolaryngology department unless it is absolutely necessary.

Things to Consider After Septoplasty Surgery

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