Effects of Psychology on Human Health


Apart from physical diseases such as anemia, thyroid gland diseases, heart diseases, palpitations also have psychological causes.

In Which Psychiatric Diseases Palpitations Occur with Psychological Causes?


Depression is a treatable mental illness. Not every low mood, low mood, unhappiness
is depression. To diagnose depression, the symptoms must be persistent, occur almost every day for at least 15 days
, and cause deterioration in the individual's social, professional, and interpersonal relationships.


Core symptoms of depression;

To be able to say depression, at least four other symptoms must accompany the table, provided that at least one of the core symptoms is present.


Psycho-Oncology affects the quality of life of cancer patients and their relatives, psychological, social
and is a subspecialty that aims to explore factors related to spirituality. The aim of psycho-
oncology is to support cancer patients and their families by addressing their psychosocial
problems and negative behaviors in their fight against cancer.

What are the Psychological Reactions to Diagnosis of Cancer?

Cancer patients
In the pre-diagnosis examination stage

When the diagnosis is told
When Cancer Treatments begin

When they regain well-being at the end of the treatment (recovery/remission)
Illness When it recurs, when it metastasizes
In the last stages of the disease (terminal-palliative periods)
They develop various and different emotional, psychological and behavioral reactions.
These reactions can be experienced repeatedly at every stage of the disease.

Psychological Reactions to a Diagnosis of Cancer

Some of these reactions are normal and adaptive. Such reactions should be considered normal and
the patient should be supported.

Reactions that disrupt adaptation require more professional evaluation and treatment.

Psychological Reactions to Diagnosing Cancer: DENIAL

By accepting this situation as if it never happened, we get rid of the feelings we can't stand
in a way. The duration of denial can vary from person to person. When we feel ready spiritually
we can talk about the disease and ask questions.


Illnesses are the loss of health.
Every loss is mourning It triggers his life.
The prominent emotion in MORNING IS GRACE and SAD
IT HAS DIFFICULT TO ADAPT TO DISEASES BEFORE COMPLETING OUR LIVES. they may not live; they go from one stage to the next, they can go back to the beginning again.
This cycle is a normal feature of adaptation.

Communication in Cancer Care

Cancer patient and their family The good communication established between the patient and the healthcare professionals at the beginning becomes an important factor that increases the patients' compliance and cooperation with the treatment in the following
Good communication between the patient and the physician positively affects the mental well-being and patient satisfaction.

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