What are the Psychological Factors behind the Game's popularity?

On the same day, a 6-year-old little boy and a 50-year-old doctor friend of mine asked the same question: "What is this Pokemon thing?" The fact that it is so popular in all walks of life, young and old, has increased the curiosity about the Pokemon Go game.

So, what are the psychological factors underlying the popularity of the game?

• The game is one of our most fundamental motivations. It appeals to our hunting and gathering tendencies. You need to go out into nature to reach and obtain Pokemon characters. Just like our ancestors who went out into nature to hunt.

• Game; It gives the pleasure of possession and acquisition. Having game characters, which is one of the basic principles of many games, also forms the basis of this game. You don't pay to have Pokemon characters, but you have to walk a little for it.

• Passion for collecting; Collecting characters in the Pokemon game causes the same feeling as collecting more marbles, more stickers, more soda caps or bowls when you were little.

• Curiosity drive; Let's say a child has dozens of identical cars. If he saw the same one, but with new packaging, he would want it with the same enthusiasm. It's like the underlying feeling that adults are interested in new models even though they have phones. Every new thing activates the urge for curiosity.

• Crowd interest; The fact that the majority of people are interested gives rise to the idea that "everyone does it, everyone plays it, everyone has it." The desire not to be left out or to feel a sense of inadequacy is another dimension that increases interest in the game. Unfortunately, this dimension is perceived as "socialization".

• Closeness to reality; Playing the game on the map, especially using GPS, and seeing the characters on the camera gives a feeling of reality.

• Need for movement: While all other screen games make you stand still and motionless, for this game you need to go out and move. Human beings may be bored of sitting!


• Due to its content, you have to stay in the game for a long time and follow the game, which can lead to addiction. is the biggest risk it will cause. Of course, the purpose of those who create these programs is not to be useful to you. It is exploiting you by appealing to your basic emotions mentioned above. S Unfortunately, the best way to live is to create addiction.

• Having to constantly follow the screen to own the game characters makes you careless, and the fact that accident news is already coming is a harbinger of major accidents that will increase in the future.

• Going out at night to reach the characters can pose serious security threats, especially for those under the age of 18.

• Since children, especially up to the age of 11, have difficulty distinguishing between reality and imagination like adults, some believe that game characters resembling spooky creatures and animals are wandering around the house. . This situation will cause serious fears in children.

• Making the characters "collide" in game parlance, that is, making them fight, causes increased feelings of anger and aggressive behavior, especially in children.

• Staying in front of the screen for a long time should be careful. It may pose a significant risk for children as it triggers deficiency and epilepsy attacks.

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