Gummy Smile (Gum Exposure)

Laughing is perhaps one of the most important facial expressions that occur using facial muscles. The first key to the feeling of self-confidence, the combination of words with emotion, the reflection of the self, the perfect magic of expression ability begins with laughter. A balanced, impressive and cute smile that is compatible with facial structures plays an acceptable role in interpersonal relations in society. On the contrary, a non-aesthetic smile is considered an unattractive visual perception and causes the person to be perceived as unhappy, grumpy, and irritable.

As the name suggests, the gummy smile is located on the gum line. is to take. In other words, when smiling, the gum tissue appears much more than it should be.

The relationship of the upper and lower lips during laughing and the position of the front teeth in this relationship is important. In the normal position, the upper lip covers 2/3 of the upper jaw anterior incisors. The front incisors are visible 2-4 mm from the upper lips. Especially in women, long front incisors cause the upper front teeth to be more visible when smiling. During smiling, the upper incisors become fully visible and even the upper gingiva becomes visible by 1-2 mm. However, in some cases, the increased amount of visible gums is also accepted and gives the person a younger appearance.

In some people, the upper lips are placed higher and in these people, maxilla front incisor teeth and even gums are visible even without smiling. This is called "gummy smile".

The tip of the nose moves downwards and backwards while smiling. This can be evaluated by taking normal and smiling photographs of the patient.

The muscle responsible for this smile aesthetic problem is the depressor septi nasi muscle. This muscle starts from the nasal septum and extends down to the orbicularis oris muscle, which is the muscle around the mouth.

In studies conducted with this muscle, 3 different variations were observed in its connection with the orbicularis muscle below.

Especially types I and II. In people with depressor nasi muscle structure, the tip of the nose is pulled down when smiling, the upper lip shortens, the visibility of the anterior gums increases and a transverse line develops in the middle part of the philtrum.

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