Scapular Dyskinesia and Physiotherapy

Scapular dyskinesia is a pathological problem characterized by symptoms such as scapular winging, pain, muscle weakness, loss of stability and crepitation caused by problems such as instability, rotator cuff tear, impingement syndrome or muscle strength imbalance. When left untreated, it also causes significant shoulder problems.


In scapular dyskinesia, there are generally abnormal changes in the position and movement patterns of the sacpula. In some studies, scapular dyskinesia was observed in 60 percent of athletes who performed overhead activities specific to their sport or athletic profession, and in 33 percent of athletes who did not. The pathological posture and movement patterns created by scapular dyskinesia are closely related to shoulder problems. When the scapula of people with shoulder subacrylic impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, instability and rotator cuff tear were examined, it was seen that a significant number of them had kinematic problems.


Stability of the glenohumeral joint, scapulothoracic joint and acromioclavicular joint. and its functionality depends on many factors. One of the most important of these is a strong and stable scapula. Problems in the scapula can cause winging and dyskinesia.



Nerve injuries create problems in muscle activation and coordination. For example; When the thorasicus nerve is injured, it pathologically changes the function of the serratus anterior muscle, and when the accessorius nerve is injured, it pathologically changes the function of the trapepezius muscle. These functional disorders cause stabilization and control problems.


 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation aims to be applied in scapular dyschnesia;

️Gaining normal ROM

️Providing rotator cuff muscle strength and control

️Increasing neuromuscular muscle control

️Providing proprioception training

️Providing endurance and coordination


Physiotherapy and rehabilitation program;

️Manual therapy programs

️Transverse friction technique

️Glenohumeral posterior and caudal sliding technique


️Posterior capsule stretches

️Dynamic hug exercise

️Thoracal extension exercise i

️Closed kinetic chain scapular retraction and protraction exercise

️push up exercises 

️Scapular stabilization exercises 

️Latissimus dorsi strengthening exercises 

️Superman suspension exercise 

️Ball perturbation exercise on the wall 

️Rhythmic stabilization exercises 

️Chest pass exercise

️Side throw exercises 

️Overhead throwing exercises 

️Bilateral plyometric exercises

️closed kinetic chain shoulder abduction suspension exercises 


Scapular dyskinesia The cases are different from each other. The shape and direction of the pathological posture of the affected muscle, nerve and joint group, the scapula, may change the rehabilitation protocol.


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