First Week of Pregnancy: Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms, which are followed carefully by women who want a baby, may progress differently from each other. Although the delay in the expected menstrual date is the most important symptom, some symptoms seen in the early periods may also suggest pregnancy. Among the simplest pregnancy symptoms seen before the delay of the menstrual period; nausea, vomiting, bloating-pain in the breasts and sensitivity to food smells may take place. However, these symptoms may not be the same in every woman and all or some of the early pregnancy symptoms may be seen. It is important to have a blood test to be sure of the presence of pregnancy for the most accurate detection. By following the continuation of the article, you can find more comprehensive information on the subject of "pregnancy symptoms in the first week." It also refers to emotional changes. Early pregnancy symptoms may appear differently in women. In addition, early pregnancy symptoms may have similar characteristics to those seen in the days just before menstruation. For this, if some of the symptoms are seen, it may be beneficial to wait for the delay of the menstruation and to take a pregnancy test. Some of the general early pregnancy symptoms and answers to the question "How do you know you are pregnant?" are as follows:

What are the First Signs of Pregnancy?

The first signs of pregnancy are the stomach ache seen in most pregnant women. It can occur as different symptoms ranging from nausea to a change in emotional state. Doctors consider the onset of pregnancy to be from the first day of the last menstrual period. Gestational week calculations and estimated delivery date are carried out on this plan. The first signs of pregnancy may show other symptoms in addition to early pregnancy symptoms. In general, the first symptoms of pregnancy and the experiences in the first week of pregnancy can be listed as follows:

What Should Be Considered in the First Week of Pregnancy?

The first week of pregnancy, the first week after intercourse according to the detection method calculated by obstetricians It is the date calculated on the basis of the first day of the last menstrual period. This means that on average, the 4th or 5th week of pregnancy is considered the first weeks. In the first week of pregnancy or in the following days, it is absolutely necessary to go to a gynecologist and have the necessary controls and scans done. In the gynecological examination, the position of the baby in the uterus and the condition of the sac are checked. The uterus and ovaries of the mother are also checked and if there are fibroids, cysts, infections or any health problems, their treatment is started. The mother is informed by her doctor about what she should pay attention to during pregnancy, and folic acid may be recommended for the healthy development of the baby. In general, some answers to the question "What should be considered in the first week of pregnancy?" are as follows:

Is 1 Week Pregnancy Tested?

The first question that comes to mind of women who have some doubts about pregnancy may be "Am I pregnant?". The clearest answer to this is undoubtedly pregnancy tests. There are two types of pregnancy tests, urine tests and blood tests. Urine tests give accurate results on average 2-3 days after the expected menstrual date is delayed. Urine pregnancy tests measure the hormone levels in the urine and give positive or negative results. However, urine tests may give negative results even if there is pregnancy before the menstrual delay, as the hormone levels are not high in the early stages of pregnancy. For this reason, it may be more appropriate to wait for the menstrual period to pass. Pregnancy tests from blood can be detected up to a few days before the need for a menstrual delay. In general, pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period and the gestational week is determined accordingly. However, pregnancy cannot be determined by any test method performed 1 week after intercourse. For a confirmed pregnancy, you can make an appointment with the obstetrician and start routine pregnancy follow-up.

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