Physical sensations of those suffering from panic disorder (8137) results from the patient record
Tremors, heart palpitations or heart rhythm acceleration 90%
Feeling of breathlessness or suffocation 81%
p>Dizziness, loss of balance, inability to concentrate 70%
Sweating 69%
Shivering or feeling hot 64%
Pains or pain in the chest distress 62%
Fear of death 60%
Tremors or convulsions 58%
Fear of losing control or going crazy 56%
Abnormal sensations ( tingling, electric discharge) 51%
Feeling of suffocation 51%
Nausea or abdominal pain 40%
Feeling of detachment from reality or not being oneself 33%
Servant and Parquet, 2000
To put it briefly, most of those who experience panic problems suffer from common symptoms.
For those who experience what we call symptoms, they are signs of suffering.
The therapy methods recommended for panic disorders are very advanced: Methods such as CBT, EMDR, Psychoanalytic
therapies, local yogas and body techniques treat panic disease to a large extent.
It's like dying, but no one dies, Ă–zdemir Asaf's verses are as if they were written for today.
The pain of death, relatives who have had terrible illnesses before, traumatic losses, life mixed with death, pain.
Even if these memories give rise to full memories, we have an inner side that becomes fearful and anxious when they increase.
This inner side of us brings us face to face with death. The more we run away from various smells, the more we run away.
It makes the situation worse. To overcome these issues, first research your specialist thoroughly. Then
Start somewhere for safe, calm, harmonious and serene days. That's enough torture!
Some of our other fears:
Fear of Eating and Drinking: Fear of choking while eating or drinking, fear of something getting stuck in my throat
Fear of vomiting in public: Fear of vomiting in public places pushes you to eat simpler meals
. I will be disgraced, I will become a laughing stock, etc.
Fear of sounds coming from my stomach: Fear of sounds coming from my stomach is parallel to being afraid of attracting people's attention
Fear of Falling: I It is one of our first fears.
Fear of going out into the open: As a secondary consequence after many other diseases, being hesitant and afraid of going outside
Fear of Birth, unhealthy birth for centuries. It is a stress inherited from the conditions.
Fear of sexual intercourse: Fear of pain and contraction of the sexual organ in women; In men, fear of penis not becoming erect or of premature ejaculation.
Performance anxiety, excitement in attitudes that require performance.
Most of such situations are a combination of our phobias, fears and anxiety. Get support on this matter.
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