Just as we have an inner voice, we also have an internal clock. The inner voice, that is, our conscience, weighs in, this shows that we are healthy and normal individuals. It is normal to sometimes dislike what you do, to dislike some parts of your body, as long as you do not overdo it. They are either unscrupulous antisocials or suspicious, touchy paranoids who constantly find fault in others. Those who are overly fond of their body and self are narcissists. These unempathetic people look down on other people, demand endless respect and love, and become ungrateful easily. Sometimes your inner voice tires you, weakens your self-confidence, and confuses you. In this case, you are probably dealing with a professional white-collar liar. Don't keep your feelings, thoughts, doubts, in short, confident in yourself, ask questions, demand answers, confront the illegal wrestler, face the situation that hurts your dignity and gets on your nerves. Be prepared to give up what the other party provides you. Because if you remain silent, it will continue to make a fool of you in an increasingly and endless way and will eventually consume you.
Just like our inner voice, we also have an inner clock. Even when we are sleeping, you can set the internal clock to wake up, mine works fine, when I say I will wake up at 03:00 at night and set the clock, I will most likely wake up before the clock rings. Likewise, we do not set this internal clock just for waking up at night. In life, there are things we plan with our inner voice beforehand, which go into our subconscious, so even when we talk to ourselves, we should always say good things to our subconscious so that we find ourselves chasing good things. Otherwise, the subconscious codes our body according to our negative messages.


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