Voice Disorders and Voice Therapy

Voice Disorders and Voice Therapy

Voice therapy, voice therapist, is an approach to the treatment of voice disorders that includes voice and physical exercises along with voice changes. The purpose of voice therapy is to help you get the best possible voice and the most relief from the voice symptoms that bother you.

Voice disorder:Due to deteriorations in the person's vocal cords or vocal tract. , the pitch, intensity and quality of the voice are worse than other people's. Avoice therapist aims to eliminate this problem as the main goal in thevoice therapy process

This deterioration in the voice is caused bycongenital It may be caused by an introduced factor. For example, there may be situations where the vocal cords are born attached. Or it may also be caused by disorders that occur later. These may be disorders that occur without the fault of the person, such as nodule or Reinke's edema. However, the majority of voice disorders are problems caused by the patient using his voice incorrectly. And if these problems are not corrected, sound problems will continue exponentially. The voice therapist should give this information to the patient about the process.

The basis of the voice problems caused by the patient is the wrong use of voice. These are:

Voice therapy:To ensure healthy voice production by using the voice and respiratory tract correctly for patients with voice problems.

voice therapy


Can voice disorders be corrected by therapy?

During the process of voice therapy, some voice diseases can only be treated with voice therapy methods. These include functional voice disorders, voice problems due to some neurological and psychiatric diseases, and most vocal fold nodules.

How should the voice therapist manage the process?

When programming therapy, a sound therapist asks the patient: The following information should be given.

1-Patient education: The patient is informed about the voice system and voice therapy. Information is given about the process. Therapy lasts on average between 6-8 weeks.

2-Voice hygiene:Detailed information is given about situations that damage the voice. Detailed information is given about substances that damage the voice when eaten, drunk or used. The main aim here is to eliminate situations that damage the voice from the moment the therapy begins.

3-Correction of excessive voice use behavior:

4- Relaxation techniques. :Since a tense body will cause a tense voice, relaxation techniques are taught.

6- Breathing training:Correct breathing and exhaling techniques are taught. Diaphragm training is given.

7- Voice therapy techniques:There are over 200 voice therapy techniques in the world. In our therapies,

a- Resonance voice therapy, technique

b- Cooper voice therapy,technique

c- We use the Lax vox sound therapy technique eclectically.

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