It is the inability to achieve pregnancy within 1 year despite regular unprotected intercourse 2-3 times a week. If pregnancy does not occur within the first six months of marriage, couples do not need to panic and consult a physician immediately. In terms of infertility treatment, a waiting period of at least one year is required before starting treatment. Because even in couples with no problems, the monthly pregnancy rate is approximately 25 percent. At the end of 1 year, the pregnancy rate is about 80 percent. Therefore, it is appropriate for couples to wait for about 1 year.

Is the waiting period the same for people of all ages?
Since the age of the woman plays an important role in pregnancy; The waiting period for women over the age of 35 should be 6 months, and for women over the age of 40, if they want to become pregnant, they should apply to a center without waiting.
In infertility; It is necessary to keep separate reasons for men and women. Sperm production problems come first in men. Low or insufficient number of sperm, sperm motility and shape disorders can significantly prevent pregnancy. In addition, causes such as sexual dysfunction, inflammation of the male reproductive tract and systemic diseases can also lead to infertility. For women; Problems such as ovulation problems, inflammation or obstruction in the tubes, anatomical disorders in the tubes, myomas and polyps in the uterus, as well as endometriosis, goiter diseases and diabetes may prevent pregnancy.

Men's problems can be clarified to a great extent with the spermiogram test performed on men to ensure pregnancy. Tests applied to women also enable women's problems to be evaluated in more detail. When evaluating the female factor; The ovaries and the presence or absence of ovulation, the condition of the tubes and problems with the uterus are investigated. When the examinations for diagnosis are completed, the majority of couples are diagnosed and treatment options based on the cause are preferred.

Is the same treatment method preferred for everyone?
Treatment for infertility problems, It is done according to the reason. Patients are evaluated by urologists for male infertility. is evaluated. Existing problems can be treated with medications or surgical methods. When male infertility does not respond to treatment, pregnancy can be achieved through assisted reproductive methods such as insemination or in vitro fertilization. Similarly, in women, pregnancy can be achieved in many cases with medication or surgical methods.

Some patients can be directly considered as in vitro fertilization candidates. They are evaluated. These; These are women with blocked both tubes and men with very low sperm count or no sperm in the semen. In addition, couples who cannot achieve pregnancy despite having undergone certain treatment steps or patients who do not want to waste time due to age factors are also referred to in vitro fertilization treatments. When in vitro fertilization treatments were first developed, patients other than severe male infertility patients were treated with this treatment. . In in vitro fertilization treatment, sperm count and motility must be above certain values. A certain number of sperm are deposited into the eggs taken from the woman and the egg is expected to be fertilized. However, in people with very low sperm count and severe motility defects, the fertilization rate with the classical in vitro fertilization method is very low or fertilization does not occur. However, with the development of the microinjection method in 1992, pregnancy became possible in cases of severe male infertility. In this technique, fertilization can be achieved by injecting a single sperm into each egg with a special microinjection needle.

In these patients, sperm can be obtained from the testicles (male's ovaries) by surgical means. With the microdissection TESE method, sperm can be obtained from an average of 55-60 percent of the patients. There is a chance of pregnancy even if a very small number of sperm is obtained from the patient. If pregnancy cannot be achieved despite treatment and if no anatomical disorder is found, some alternatives can be considered for patients. Although the effectiveness of these techniques has not been 100 percent proven, they can be used as an alternative in cases of recurrent in vitro fertilization failure. The most important of these techniques are; Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Method (Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Diagnosis) called PGT These are the intrauterine tissue culture technique called culture and the use of needles to thin the blood after transfer.

Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Diagnosis (Preimplantation Genetics Diagnostic Method-PGT); It is necessary for people who carry or are at risk of carrying a hereditary disease. In addition, it is recommended for couples who have consanguineous marriages and gave birth to a birth defect, those who have encountered harmful teratogens, those who have experienced recurrent pregnancy losses and miscarriages, in cases of recurrent in vitro fertilization failure, advanced maternal age (over 37) or older age. Genetic diagnosis is also required for those who want to become pregnant and some cases of infertility (male and female infertility).

Thanks to Genetic Diagnosis, it is now possible to make a genetic diagnosis and have a healthy baby without getting pregnant. Developments in genetic science in recent years; It allows genetic examination to be carried out on embryos developed in a laboratory environment by in vitro fertilization methods, before pregnancy occurs, and the placement of selected healthy embryos into the uterus of the expectant mother. Today, in risky pregnancies, the PGT procedure is performed before the person becomes pregnant and Serious psychological, social and medical problems that may occur in the future can be prevented. Genetic Diagnosis Method is performed on couples undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. As a result of the treatment, the eggs are enlarged and collected. Each egg fertilized with sperm is kept in the laboratory for 3 days. The cells taken from these are examined in the advanced molecular and cytogenetic laboratory. Fast results analysis (FISH) is performed. The next day, only healthy embryos are transferred to the expectant mother. Thus, the expectant mother receives genetically healthy embryos at the very beginning of the pregnancy.
Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Diagnosis; It increases the chance of pregnancy and reduces the chance of miscarriage. Families are enabled to have healthy children. The family is protected from medical and psychological trauma due to pregnancy termination. There is no need for interventions such as cordocentesis or amniocentesis, which would be required during pregnancy, and the stress of the pregnant woman is eliminated. With tissue typing in diseases such as thalassemia, the baby to be born is determined by the family's sick children. It provides treatment opportunities for:

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