I wish people had a user manual, just like some objects, but unfortunately they don't.
Maybe then men and women could get help from this guide to understand each other, or they could look there when they encountered any behavior and couldn't make sense of it, but there is no such thing. We don't have the opportunity.
Therefore, let's use the "Understanding Each Other Guide" instead of the user manual. How?
There is a part of our brain called the limbic system, which contains emotions. This system consists of the amygdala, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, corpus callosum and several other structures. This system manages psychological responses to emotional impulses. We can call the limbic system the part of our brain that deals with memory, attention, emotions, sexual instincts, personality and behavior. What we need is to understand the feelings of the other person, that is, to empathize. In order to understand the other person, we must first listen to him/her. Listening... What we can do next is to ask the other person the right questions or express that we understand their feelings. Like, “I know you are upset about this situation, yes, this situation we are in makes me sad too.”
But sometimes empathy may not be enough. In other words, we understand the other person's feelings, but we pretend not to understand them. Because human beings want to be understood first. It is important at this point to accept the inherent differences between men and women. Yes, men and women are different from each other due to their chemistry, because even though they contain the same hormones, the working order and balance of the hormones are different.
Equality should be in emotions. Both men and women have feelings, and sometimes just the acceptance they receive from the other party can be important. A simple “How are you” question can be very valuable. Remembering old memories, looking at photo albums, if available, can be used as a tool to refresh old memories and renew the relationship.
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