People who smoke have thought about quitting at least once in their lives. Some of them attempted to quit at least once, and some of them quit and started again after a while. A smoker tells the biggest lie to himself. “I can quit whenever I want, but I don't want to”, “I love smoking, I don't want to quit”, People who are addicted do not know that this is a deception due to the passion created by their addiction and that they do not have the power to activate their desire to quit. When they realized that it had caused a lot of damage to the body, they were forced to quit reluctantly because they could not afford to carry the damage any further. Among the methods used in smoking cessation centers: Among the methods such as acupuncture, medication, disgusting powder, tapes, bioresonance, hypnosis, seminars, etc., all of them have their own contribution to the addict. None of these methods will be 100% effective if the person's intention is not sincere. However, these methods help the smoker who aims to quit smoking to achieve this goal.
What is the Effect of Hypnosis in Quitting Smoking?
Those who try to quit smoking on their own have a 25% chance of quitting smoking. while being successful. Those who benefited from assistive tools or therapy methods were up to 66%. Among these methods, we can say that the most effective method to quit smoking is hypnosis. By interrupting the person's desire to be satisfied with cigarettes and enabling the person to benefit from a source other than cigarettes for physical and emotional desire, the resistance created by addiction is broken within 3 days, and then instructions are given so that the person can apply his own will much more easily. This study may take 2 to 4 sessions, depending on the preparation process and the degree of addiction.
What other tools are used to quit smoking with hypnosis?
Preparation of consciousness and subconscious is the most important process. . So, when a person is ready, he can seize this opportunity by letting go completely. In addition, the person is made aware of the changes in metabolism and emotions, and suggestions and sound frequencies that contribute to the mental and emotional purification process are used. It is also a tool for rapid healing of organs damaged by smoking. Impulsive cures and nutritional recommendations are given. Since quitting smoking starts a positive revolution in the lives of heavy smokers, these people may need to be given psychological support after quitting.
Is Hypnosis Beneficial for Everyone in Quitting Smoking?
How effective a medication recommended to a patient is becomes apparent after the patient starts that medication. Some people are resistant to hypnosis, but it should not be concluded that this person cannot quit smoking. In cases where the effect of suggestions is insufficient, other disciplines can be used more. The most important of these are drug therapy and bioresonance. In addition, there are many smoking cessation centers operating under the Chest Diseases Departments of hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health.
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