What is a Brain Tumor? Brain Tumor Symptoms and Treatment

Brain tumor develops from two sources. The first is the uncontrolled growth of the brain's own cells (primary brain tumors), and the second is the involvement of the brain tissue of cancers developing in other organ systems in the body, especially lung and prostate (metastasis; secondary brain tumors). In both cases, tumor masses developing in a limited area of ​​the skull compress the brain tissue and increase intracranial pressure. Neurological and epileptic problems can be seen in individuals with brain tumors. Brain tumors occur more often in children than adults. Brain tumors in children take the second place among childhood tumors.

What are the Types of Brain Tumors?

Brain tumors are primary (primary) developing from the brain tissue or developing due to the spread of another organ cancer to the brain. They are divided into two as secondary (secondary) tumors.
They are also classified as benign (benign) or malignant (malignant) according to the character of the tumor. Classification of brain tumors can also be made according to the cell type they originate from (histological). The most common type of tumor in the brain is called 'glioma' and develops from brain glial cells.

Why Does Brain Tumor Occur? What are the Causes?

The following risk factors play a role in the development of brain tumors:

What are the Symptoms of a Brain Tumor?

It acts as a helmet on the brain and other sensitive tissues in the skull bone. For this reason, it does not have an anatomical structure suitable for expansion when the skull bones fully unite (2 years old). they start doing it. The mass in the brain grows slowly and the tumor develops insidiously. Following an asymptomatic period, symptoms begin to appear according to the characteristics of the structures that the growing mass compresses.
The first sign of a brain tumor is usually severe headaches due to increased intracranial pressure. Headaches are unresponsive to painkillers and tend to increase in severity as the disease progresses.
The most common symptoms in brain tumors:

How to Identify a Brain Tumor?

A series of physical and neurological examinations are performed to make the diagnosis. Diagnosis is made with MR (Magnetic Resonance) and CT (Computerized Tomography), and biopsy and pathological evaluation are performed to confirm the diagnosis. As a result, the type and stage of the cancer are learned precisely and a treatment plan is prepared.

How to Treat a Brain Tumor?

Treatment method; It varies according to the type of tumor, its size, the affected areas, its location, stage and general health status of the patient. Methods such as surgery, radiotherapy (radiation therapy), radiosurgery and chemotherapy can be used in the treatment.
Treatment of "glioma", which is the most common type, according to its stages:

Latest Developing Technological Methods and Brain Tumor Treatment

Today, brain and spinal cord tumors that can be diagnosed earlier can be operated with special devices. Before surgery, neuroradiology is evaluated and treatments are determined accordingly. The 5-ALA method is used for the safe and precise removal of the tumor site in the surgery. In addition, "neuronavigation" is used in all surgeries. Thus, the location of brain tumors can be determined more easily. In addition, brain surgery is performed with "motor-sensorial stimuli" in brain tumor surgeries located in special regions. In all spinal cord tumor surgeries, spinal cord functions are recorded instantly with neuromonitoring. Follow-up treatment processes after the surgeries are decided by the "neurooncology council".

How to Follow-up and Rehabilitation After Brain Tumor Treatment?

Follow-up is very important in terms of early detection of recurrence after treatment. For this reason, controls including physical and neurological examinations are made at regular intervals. In addition, CT or MRI should be performed at certain intervals. After treatment, the patient should be more careful. Rehabilitation may vary according to the patient's complaints. If the patient has arm and leg weakness in his daily life, while receiving appropriate physical therapy support, patients who have difficulty in swallowing and speaking should receive treatment accordingly. These treatment programs are determined by the physician.

How Does a Brain Tumor in Children Occur?

Brain tumor is the second most common type of cancer seen in children. Treatment is more difficult in children because of their younger age. Radiotherapy, which is a type of tumor treatment, cannot be applied to children, especially until the age of two. Until the age of two, children's bones are not completely fused, and even their fontanels do not close. Therefore, when the tumor occurs, it can expand and neurological findings become difficult to show. It is observed that behavioral disorders and head circumference are larger than normal in these children.
Tumors are examined in two groups according to the age of the children. (As tumors detected under 2 years of age and up to 16 years of age) Tumors that occur up to 2 years of age are generally congenital. These tumors are more common in childhood and are caused by "glial" cells in the central nervous system. The cause of brain tumors in children is mostly due to radiation. According to the stage of the disease in children with brain tumor, personality changes, not participating in games, introversion, lack of attention, memory problems, speech disorders are observed. Children over the age of two may also have problems such as seizures, headaches, vomiting, and failure in school.
MRI is performed for diagnosis in children as well as in adults. After the diagnosis is made, planning for treatment begins. But it appeared before As we have seen, treatments such as radiotherapy in children can be applied in a limited way because the child's brain development and bone development are not completed. For this reason, it is aimed to increase the expected life expectancy by performing radical surgery in children. Brain tumors can occur after birth or be congenital. Some tumors can be detected even in the womb. Ultrasonography (USG) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) methods can be used to detect it in the womb.

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