7 Important Reasons for Marriage Problems

I briefly touched upon the problems we encounter most frequently in relationships and made suggestions;

1- Deficiencies in discussion skills:Instead of talking and listening at the same time, they focus on their own victimization or Focusing on what they have to say disrupts a couple's communication. With simple information and techniques, couples can learn communication in a short time.


2- Past resentments and their reflections:Problems and traumas that have been experienced or watched (modelled) in the past are these. It is reflected in the current relationship as "excessive sensitivity" and "inability to understand and be understood". These "sensitive points should be determined and bracketed".


3-Sexual problems:Sexual problems are reflected in marriage, and marital problems are reflected in sexuality. Solving the problem related to sexuality has a positive impact on marriage.


4-Different family cultures and differences in perspective:“Marriage”, “being a woman”, “being a man” Different and ingrained thoughts and beliefs about topics such as " and raising children are the root of many discussions. Bringing these different perspectives together in a common area; quickly reduces arguments.


5-Small “common area”:Entertainment, style, belief, different plans for the future, different directions in personal development Too many situations such as going away etc. pave the way for separations. As the couples' repertoire expands, harmony increases.


6-Boundary problems:Exceeding individual boundaries and arranging boundaries with families or children relieves the family


7- Inability to maintain distance:It is one of the central issues in marriage therapies. Excessive closeness, doing everything together, and constant attention and contact can create problems, as can constant distance and lack of contact. Adjusting distance is possible with awareness.

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