Do the people you said you could never hurt always hurt you?
Do your broken dreams sink into your soul?
Should a person think that another person will harm him or not?
>Should a person choose to trust or not?
When we cannot answer these questions, we experience uncertainty. Uncertainty is a situation that the human brain cannot tolerate. Human is a social entity. He tries to find meaning by defining himself through others. Most living beings live together, but people use this unity to give meaning to themselves while living together. The only being that defines itself through another is the human child. A bird does not shape itself after other birds. A person shapes himself according to other people.
The concept we call ego is the balance element between our id and our superego, according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Our ego is the position we take based on the perspective of the family we were born into. The shaping of the impulses coming from within us according to the pressures coming from outside creates our ego.
From the moment we are born, we have to live a life shaped according to the mercy of others. While experiencing these, we are left alone with our disappointments and shattered hopes. Sometimes the behavior we see from those closest to us can cause us to become embittered in life. Especially during adolescence, our reckoning with our disappointments from our childhood increases.
Adolescence is one of the important turning points on the way to becoming an individual. Adolescence is a time when emotional intensity increases and interest in the opposite sex is discovered. Being accepted by the opposite sex is the most difficult situation faced by a human child. The opposite sex is a complete mystery for the human child, who defines himself through others. When he approaches to establish closeness, he begins to worry about not being liked. The adolescent who is caught between these ups and downs may not be able to tolerate this situation. He may become depressed.
During adolescence, the attention and care of families help the young person get through this period easily. Children growing up with trust, love and care By the end of their adolescence, they can turn into individuals with strong characters. The process that we can describe as adolescent psychotherapy has a lot to contribute to the young person. At the end of this period, the adolescent will make the career choice that suits him with the right guidance.
Adolescents, who realize that good and evil can be intertwined in the life they will live as a social being, will establish the balance of their ego.
When they understand that their feelings towards the opposite sex will be complicated from time to time, they can control their emotions.
Going through adolescence with the support of a psychotherapist is one of the best investments to be made in the young person's future.
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